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Local Elections and European elections will be held on Thursday 22nd May. Poll cards for this election will be hand-delivered to all registered electors in the borough between 12th and 21st April.

Information about altering voting arrangements is printed on poll cards.  Electors should note that the last date to register is 6th May, and to apply for a postal vote is 7th May. If you know now that you will be unable to vote in person on polling day please contact Election Services as soon as possible; you do not need to wait for your poll card; arrangements can be made now.

For information, all poll cards refer to the date of the election, the polling station location and the hours of the poll i.e. 7am to 10pm.  You do not need to take your poll card to the polling station to be able to vote.

If residents are not on the Register of Electors they will be unable to vote; if you have not registered at your current address please contact Election Services straight away.

Please note the following changes to our polling stations, which will be indicated on your poll card:

•             Dukes Hall – This hall has closed. Voters who have previously voted here should now vote at: Holy Cross church Hall, Hornchurch Road.

•             Towers Junior School – We are using the Infant School instead of the Junior School. Voters who have previously voted here should now vote at: Towers Infant School, Osborne Road.

•             Please note that Rainham Village Primary School has now reopened. If you voted at St Helen’s Church Hall in 2012 please note that this was a one-off and polling will take place at the Primary School.

If you have any queries or wish to apply for a postal vote please contact 01708 432444 or

New Membership renewal or application form now available



If you’re a resident of Havering Monthly you’d like to join Havering Over 50s Forum come along to one of the meetings and if you’re still interested contact our membership secretary or assistant after the meeting or call 01708 762433.

Membership costs £5 per year and you will normally receive your membership card at the next meeting.

Membership Benefits

  • Invites to the forums various events and trips.
  • Access to information and services specifically for the over 50s
  • Monthly Forum meetings
  • Forum Newsletter

To apply for membership or renew please fill in the following pdf file and send in with your cheque or bring along to the next meeting

Membership form 2014

Help us to get as many people as possible to write to the Prime Minister to help create a Minister for Older People

Further to the last post we would like to help and get as many people as possible to write to the prime minister.

The plan is to get as many as we can signed at the forum next week, plus hopefully some at International Womens Day, and how ever many more we can get.

Dame Angela Watkinson has offered to deliver them to the Prime Minister.

So please sign the letter and get them to us at the Forum next week. Don’t forget to get your friends and relatives to sign them as well.

David Cameron letter (a)

David Cameron letter (b)


Write to the Prime Minister to help create a Minister for Older People

We strongly believe there should now be a Minister for Older people. Attached are 2 draft letters one for Havo50 forum members and one for Havering residents.

Please choose one, fill in your name and address and then send it to the Prime Minister.

David Cameron letter (a)

David Cameron letter (b)

There is a Minister for Children and rightly so as their needs are different from adults and one for People with Disabilities whose needs are different again. Why not A Minister for Older People whose needs can be complex and are not covered anywhere else.

This age group has a great influence across the Country whether it be knowledge or experience and provide the most volunteers of any other age group. Older people can live as fulfilling a life as they are able by looking after their cultural, social and economic interests as far as possible. They should be looked on not as a burden, but as a group to engage and raise issues with their own dedicated Minister.

Many areas across the country have a large elderly population, particularly here in Havering, which has possibly the largest percentage of elderly people in all the London Boroughs, approximately one third of our 250,000 population are over 50 with a significant number over 80. We consider that we are not properly represented in Parliament.

Forum Pub Lunch @ The Bull, Romford- Thursday 1st May 2014

Following on from the successful Christmas lunch at the Bull, Romford. The forum has arranged a pub lunch on Thursday 1st May, again at the Bull, Romford.

We hope to offer a 3 course meal including a drink at a very good price.

Numbers will be limited to 60 so you will need to book early to make sure of your place.

Kay will be announcing more details at the Forum meeting on Tuesday 11th March.

Have your say with Healthwatch Havering – on dementia and learning disabilities

Have your say with Healthwatch Havering on dementia and learning disabilities

We want to hear your experiences of health and social care services in Havering for people who have dementia or a learning disability (or difficulty)

Tuesday 25th February 10:15 am to 12:15 pm

Wednesday 26th February 6:45pm to 8:45 pm

Monday 3rd March 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Wednesday 5th March 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm

Thursday 6th March 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

We value your views and ideas and if you are unable to make any of these five events your voice should still be heard.

Visit the Healthwatch Havering Website

or contact Joan Smith, Healthwatch Manager on 01708 303300 (24 hr voicemail).

Healthwatch Havering is here to help everyone have their say and get things changed for the better. Healthwatch is about local voices being heard and influencing the design and delivery of their local health and social care services.

The workshops will give you an opportunity to hear from service providers and a number of charities working in this area who may be able to help with your particular issue.

Join the Healthwatch team and discuss your ideas and views over a cup of tea and biscuit or over a light lunch (for lunchtime events):


Invite to workshop on “What are the important questions for research into ageing?”

Action Learning
What are the important questions for research into ageing?
Friday 4 April 2014

Venue: UCL School of Pharmacy, Maplethorpe Lecture Theatre, 29/39 Brunswick Square, London WC1N 1AX

Time: 10.30am to 3.30 pm – lunch and refreshments will be served

This workshop aims to seek the views of older people aged 70 and over from older peoples’ organisations or groups on what are the important issues that need further research. We will share ideas and problems, identify questions that may need further research to address, and prioritise which of these are important. This may include, for example, access to health care, social care, the environment, transport, technology or financial issues. The findings from the workshop will be used to guide future research at UCL and Age UK London.

Please register at the following link:

or email Janine Aldridge on or telephone 020 7091 2594.

 The venue is wheelchair accessible.