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TalkTime Phone Clubs – Free discussion groups for older people

Do you enjoy chatting with others but struggle to get out and about these days?

Would you love to join a book or film club but can’t find one nearby?

TalkTime phone clubs for older people give you the chance to join a regular group discussion on a book, film or topic from the comfort of your own home.

How it works

A facilitator calls each member of the group – around six people – at an arranged time every four weeks, and ensures everyone has a chance to contribute.

It’s completely free – all you need is a landline or mobile telephone.

We provide the books (most are available in large print and audio versions) and the DVDs.

If you think you might like to join, call Harjinder on 020 7605 4267 or Rosalind on 020 76054232.

For more info read the following PDF.

TalkTime phone clubs leaflet

Romford Bowls Club Open Day – 3rd May – Come along and have a go.

Romford Bowls Club Open Day


Come along and visit our bowls club in Romford.

We welcome people of all walks of life and ages. We pride ourselves on our friendly and informal atmosphere. Whether or not you’ve played before doesn’t matter – we’ll do our best to look after you. Bring along family members or friends if you like (but let us know the numbers so we can arrange the right number of helpers!) The benefits of bowls are clear. Come along and have a go!!! You must be wearing flat soled shoes to go on the green. If you can, please let us know on the contact number or email address that you are coming so we have an idea of numbers to look after. If not, don’t worry. Look for ‘Romford bowls club’ on Facebook.

Saturday 03 May 2014
11:00 until 17:00
Lodge Farm Park (Carlton Road end), Romford, RM2 5AA
Bowls England website
01708 446384