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Havering Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) services available at your doorstep!

Circle Housing Old Ford in partnership with Havering CAB is offering Havering residents a free confidential advice service.

Havering CAB can provide help and advice on: –

  • Debt advice
  • Rent arrears
  • Benefit advice
  • Housing
  • Employment problems
  • Legal advice
  • Relationship issues

From Monday 10th February 2014, The CAB services will be offered from the Orchard Village Estate Office, 149 – 151 Lowen Road, Rainham, Essex RM13 8QD from 10am to 12pm every Monday

This is a free, confidential & independent service

For further information please call Monica Paul on 07807 958 578

CALL London Warm Zone on 0800 389 7286 to find out if you qualify for free boiler replacement.

If you have an old inefficient boiler that needs to be replaced and you live in your own home or rent from a private landlord (not Council or housing association) and meet certain eligibility criteria, you may qualify to have it replaced for FREE.

CALL London Warm Zone on 0800 389 7286 to find out if you qualify.

Havering Council is working with London Warm Zone to offer grants for qualifying residents for replacing old heating systems (particularly if your boiler is 10 years or older). We want to help Havering residents who either own their property or rent it from a private landlord live in efficiently heated homes and be able to afford their fuel bills.

You must be in receipt of qualifying benefits and your information will remain confidential and will not be passed to anyone outside of the scheme. All grants are subject to funding availability and technical survey.

You may be eligible for a grant to replace an old inefficient boiler if you own your own home or live in private rented accommodation and anyone living at your address meets any of the following criteria:

You claim state pension credit, or

You claim child tax credit and your household income is below £15,860, or

You claim either income-based job seeker’s allowance, income related employment and support allowance (ESA) or income support and meet at least one of the following criteria:

–         You claim a disabled child premium

–         You have parental responsibility for a child under 16 who lives at the property

–         You have parental responsibility for a child who is over 16, but is under 20, who lives at the property and is in full time education other than higher education

–         You claim a pension premium, higher pension premium or enhanced pension premium

–         You are in receipt of child tax credit which includes either a disability or severe disability element

–         You claim a disability premium, enhanced disability premium or severe disability premium

–         You receive a work related activity or support component (only valid if you also claim ESA), or

You claim working tax credit where your household income is below £15,860 and you meet at least one of the following criteria:

–         You have parental responsibility for a child under 16 who lives at the property

–         You have parental responsibility for a child who is over 16, but is under 20, who lives at the property and is in full time  education other than higher education

–         You claim a disability premium, enhanced disability premium or severe disability premium

–         You are aged 60 or over

CALL London Warm Zone on 0800 389 7286 to find out if you qualify.

Shape the Future of Healthcare and Community Pharmacy – Havering 10 Feb

Dear community representative,

This is your opportunity to shape the future of healthcare and community pharmacy.

Did you know:

  • The government might reduce the number of pharmacies in your area
  • Pharmacies will be asked to do more than dispense medicines, eg give advice      personalised to you
  • When you leave hospital pharmacies will be asked to help you get better
  • Pharmacists will be given a role to reduce obesity, teenage pregnancy and alcohol      consumption
  • 50% of people do not take medicines properly and pharmacists will be asked to      help those patients get the most from their medicines
  • You will  be able to order your prescriptions from your mobile phone

Do you know someone who suffers from diabetes, hypertension, mental health, asthma or COPD, and needs to improve their health?

Then please come along and represent their needs and views.

Other than medicines what else do you want your community pharmacy to provide?

If you have a concern or view on healthcare in your borough, and want to discuss the role that your local community pharmacy can play then this is a great opportunity to express your views and for the Public Pharmacy Partnership to take them forward.

Come along and help shape the future of pharmacy:

Call to Action – Community Pharmacy Expressing Your Voice
This will take place on: Monday 10th February 2014
The Venue: Langtons House, Billet Lane, Hornchurch, RM11 1JX
Time: 10-10:30 registration Event 10:30 – 3pm

There are limited places, to avoid disappointment book your place now by:

going to or clicking on:
phone: 0560 125 2940

Your views and involvement in this event will really help shape the future of pharmacy services and the healthcare you are able to receive locally.

If you are not able to attend please help us spread the word as there is limited time.

Please see attached letter of invitation, flyer and agenda for more information.

I will be great to see a broad mix of people taking part in this lively event.

I look forward to seeing you on the 10th February.

Best regards

Marc Krishek

PPP Pharmacy event flyerHavering
Public Pharmacy PartnershipLetterHavering
Meeting agendaPPPconsultationHavering

Action on Hearing Loss


action on hearing loss

Do you have hearing loss?

Have you used NHS services?

Please tell us about your experience

Action on Hearing Loss is working with NHS England to improve access to health and care services.

We will be holding an event to find out what problems people with hearing loss have when trying to communicate with health and care organisations, and to work out what services can do better.

This information will be used to develop guidelines for NHS and social care services.

To share your thoughts and experience, please come along to:- 

Action on Hearing Loss

19-23 Featherstone Street, London, EC1Y 8SL 

on Tuesday 4th February 2014 from 10.30am – 2.30pm 

Please RSVP to Ayesha Lalloo on 020 7296 8390;; Textphone: 0808 808 9000

Havering Safer Transport Team Drop-In events

Jacqueline.Whitelock cropped

You all heard Jackie mention some drop-in events this morning where you can ask the local team questions and ask for advice. They aim to:

  • Seek the views of local people within each neighbourhood in the ward about crime and disorder
  • Provide local people within each neighbourhood in the ward with information about local issues and how police in that neighbourhood are dealing with crime and disorder.
  • What: Drop-in surgery When: 30/01/2014 – 11:00 – 13:00 Where: Asdas Romford
  • What: Drop-in surgery When: 07/02/2014 – 12:00 – 14:00 Where: halifax south street
  • What: Drop-in surgery When: 07/03/2014 – 12:00 – 14:00 Where: halifax south street
  • What: Drop-in surgery When: 02/04/2014 – 09:00 – 12:00 Where: halifax south street

For more information goto their website
for more information and contact details.

To email Jackie direct

British Red Cross – Winter scheme in Havering

The British Red Cross is delivering its Winter Scheme in Havering to vulnerable residents over the age of 60 between now and March 2014.

The service entails an extensive Winter Readiness Check that we complete with people in their own homes. We check up on things like insulation, heating/heating maintenance, general safety (e.g. smoke alarms), food reserves and ability to collect medication during severe winter weather spells.

Additionally we support people to be better prepared by handing out winter packs (containing a blanket, socks, a thermos cup, cup-off-soup, carbon monoxide alarms etc.) and by stocking up on food by doing shopping with/for them.

We also signpost to other (winter scheme) providers in Havering for benefit checks (especially regarding the fuel allowance), befriending, cold alarms that makes people aware of dropping temperatures and insulation to their house.

This service is free to Havering residents.

I would like to kindly ask you to share this email with the Older Peoples Forum and other groups who might benefit from being made aware of the service.

Individuals can contact us directly regarding a Winter Readiness Check by completing the attached form and emailing that to  (Please mention winter check in the subject line).

Alternatively people can call contact me on 07507889022.

Warm Regards, Debby Mulling

IL Project Officer / London Area Office, 28 Worple Road, Wimbledon, SW19 4EE
Tel: 02089718368 / Mob: 07507889022

Referral form – Havering Fuel Poverty 2014


A Series of Spring Talks at Romford Library

Romford Library is holding 4 interesting talks this spring.

March 5th John Debenham and Andrew Summers are doing a talk about Essex, concentrating on stories from this area. ( £2.50 a ticket for members)

March 6th Jane Finnett will be talking about researching Ancestors using newspapers ( £2.50 a ticket for members)

April 2nd Nick Dobson will be talking about WW1 and illustrating it with not only pictures but song as well ( This event is free)

April 9th Author Elizabeth Speller will be talking about and signing her latest book At break of Day ( This event is free)

Timings are on the following flyers, there will be 60 tickets available for each of these events which can be booked directly with the Library.

Newspapers Nick Dobson Elizabeth Speller Metropolitan Essex