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Christmas at the Queens Theatre’ brings the community together and raises over £2,000.

Pinney Talfourd once again teamed up with Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch in early December to host ‘Christmas at the Queen’s’ – a lively free sing along event for the whole community.

Our fantastic local choir Dawn Chorus joined us to lead the crowd for a series of upbeat Christmas songs including “Sleigh Ride” and “Merry Christmas Everyone” before enjoying tea and mince pies with the Mayor of Havering Cllr Philippa Crowder.

This was a free event but the charity raffle and generous donations raised £2,061 in aid of the Queens Theatre charitable trust and Pinney Talfourd’s own charity of the year ‘MNDA (South Essex branch)’. Local businesses rallied to support the event by donating some fabulous prizes from champagne, restaurant vouchers and even a teeth whitening treatment! Funds raised are divided equally between the two charities.

This event has attracted a full house every year and this year was no different. Local businesses, Councillors and members of the local community checked in for this festive celebration. Many clients with transport difficulties were taken as guests by Pinny Talfourd, ensuring that Christmas is not a lonely time after all.

Teas, coffees and cakes were on offer courtesy of Pinney Talfourd after the event to refresh those vocal chords, providing an opportunity to meet new faces and make new friends. Thank you to the Queens Theatre Club volunteers who helped to serve refreshments.

If you would like to find out more about the Queens Theatre Club or enquire about any performances please contact the Box Office on 01708 443333. If you would like to find out more about this event or Pinney Talfourd’s services please contact 01708 229444.

Finally, everybody at Pinney Talfourd would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Pictures from the 2016 Christmas Lunch – A great time was had by all.

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Christmas Events at Rainham Hall – An eighteenth century Christmas

An eighteenth century Christmas at Rainham Hall!

This year we will be celebrating Christmas as our John Harle would have done three hundred years ago! The Stables Café and Gardens are open Wednesday to Sunday (10am-5pm), the Hall is open Friday to Sunday (10am-4.30pm) until 18 December. Closed 24-26 December 2016 & 1 January 2017.

The Rainham Hall Frost Fayre
Saturday 26 & Sunday 27 November, 12noon-4pm
Join us for festive fun with stalls selling gifts, mulled wine and mince pies!

Deck the Halls!
Friday 25 November, 12noon-2pm
Come and help us decorate the Hall, Café and Gardens. This is a free event but donations of holly, yew, bay and ivy would be great.

Gin & Gingerbread
Thursday 22 December, 6pm-9pm (Tickets: £18)
The Georgians loved gin (and so do we)! Jensen Gin will be in residence and we will be holding a mini decoration workshop.

Twelfth Night Party
Friday 6 January, 6pm-9pm (Tickets: £10)
Celebrate the end of the festive season like its 1729!

Call 01708 525 579 for details



Your invitation to ‘Christmas at the Queens Theatre’ on Tuesday 6 December (11am – 1pm).


Pinney Talfourd has once again teamed up with Queens Theatre Hornchurch to host ‘Christmas at the Queens’ on Tuesday 6 December (11am – 1pm).

We are delighted that the Dawn Chorus have once again agreed to join us in singing a range of upbeat Christmas songs including “Let it Snow” and “Jingle Bells”. 

Afterwards, the Mayor of Havering Cllr Philippa Crowder will say a few words before helping to call the winners of the charity raffle. This will be in aid of the Queens Theatre charitable trust and Pinney Talfourd’s own charity of the year, Motor Neurone Disease Association (South Essex branch).

Finally, after all the excitement you are welcome to stay for a coffee and cakes courtesy of Pinney Talfourd.

This event has attracted a full house every year so call the Queens Theatre Box Office on 01708 443333 to reserve your space early or visit for more details. Tickets are free but donations for the charities are also accepted at the time of booking.

P.S. Christmas jumpers and Santa hats are welcome.


Havering Museum New Events and Free Reminiscence Session leading upto Christmas

war-films-rem-poster christmas-traditions-2016


The Museum’s new events programme promotes their Indoor Christmas Market on Sunday 27 November and our Free reminiscence session on 25 November. 

Also if you are interested in a festive evening the Museum also has Christmas Traditions From Around the World with cake tasting on Thursday, 8th December at 7pm.  

All information is in the attached programme and two posters, one for the war reminiscence and one for the Christmas Tradition .



01708 766571

First Step – Forthcoming Events

Friday 11th November between 10.00am – 12.30 Tasty Treats will be holding a Christmas Hair and Beauty demonstration with members from Ardleigh Green College.  This will take place during Tasty Treats.  Tasty Treats is held monthly where people pop in and have refreshments and a cake and listen to a speaker or member of the local Community.   

Saturday 26th November – We will be holding our Christmas Bazaar between 12pm and 3.30pm.  It is a wonderful day for all the family with lots of different activities, stalls and a visit from Santa.   

At First Step we have free parking facilities for anyone wishing to attend these events and transport links via the 252 bus route and Elm Park underground station.   

Should you or members require any further information please contact me or follow us on Twitter @firststep1988. 

Rachel Deegan

Tangmere Crescent, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 5PP

Telephone: 01708 556355