Havering Museum Events for September and October
Friday, 12 and Saturday, 13 September – Free
– WWI reminiscence which takes place at from 1.30 pm – 3.30pm. Refreshments included. This session is to gather any stories from people about their families in WWI. Stories already collected will be shared.
Thursday, 18 September – 7pm Tickets £3.50
-Human Face of WWI Talk by Bill Futlton of Western Front Assoc.
Saturday, 27 September – 2pm
-Brian Curtois, former Parliamentary Reporter sharing his stories
Thursday, 9 October at 7pm – Free Talk
-Hornchurch Air Heroes . Richard C Smith shares the history of WWI air heroes from Hornchurch. Tickets are free and will be released for booking on Wednesday, 10 September. Only two tickets per person.
Attached is our full programme.
REMINISCENCE Prog Sept -Jan 2015f
Write to the Prime Minister to help create a Minister for Older People
We strongly believe there should now be a Minister for Older people. Attached are 2 draft letters one for Havo50 forum members and one for Havering residents.
Following the Havering show we are still getting a lot of support for this initiative so please fill in one of the forms below.
Please sign the letter and get them to us at the Forum.
You can do this by bringing them to the forum which is at 10:30 on the second Tuesday of each month in the Town Hall Council Chamber, emailing to info@havo50forum.org or post to:
FAO Havering Over 50s Forum
C/O Town Hall reception
London Borough of Havering
Town Hall
Main Road
Don’t forget to get your friends and relatives to sign them as well.
Please choose one, fill in your name and address and return as above.
There is a Minister for Children and rightly so as their needs are different from adults and one for People with Disabilities whose needs are different again. Why not A Minister for Older People whose needs can be complex and are not covered anywhere else.
This age group has a great influence across the Country whether it be knowledge or experience and provide the most volunteers of any other age group. Older people can live as fulfilling a life as they are able by looking after their cultural, social and economic interests as far as possible. They should be looked on not as a burden, but as a group to engage and raise issues with their own dedicated Minister.
Many areas across the country have a large elderly population, particularly here in Havering, which has possibly the largest percentage of elderly people in all the London Boroughs, approximately one third of our 250,000 population are over 50 with a significant number over 80. We consider that we are not properly represented in Parliament.
Safer Transport Team Fun Day – 28th August 2014, 10am – 2pm
Date 28th August 2014, 10am – 2pm, Market Place, Romford
Mike Thomas – H&S Group
Jackie Whitelock – Havering Safer Transport Team
Laura Dukes – Safer Transport Special Constables
Elaine Keeler – Road Safety
Jane Eastaff – Community Safety Team
Lois Easter – Friends of the Met Police Historic Collection
Colin – Local Fire Brigade
David Jones – West Ham Bus Garage Manager
Jeff Stafford – Havering Cycle Club
John Ayris – Met volunteer photographer
Sue Sullivan – Romford Town Safer Neighbourhood Team
Kim Crisp – Citizens Advice Bureau
Kerry Grey – Face painter
Tim Saunders – London Ambulance Service
Technology explained with a cup of tea. How refreshing.
Join an event in your local community
On 9th September we’re holding EE National Techy Tea Party Day, in partnership with Age UK, and everyone is invited.
We want the whole nation to take part, whether that’s by joining a Techy Tea Party in one of our stores, holding your own event in your community, or partnering with us on EE National Techy Tea Party Day.
If you find technology a bit baffling, or you know someone else who does, come to EE National Techy Tea Party Day and we’ll help you get to grips with some of the basics over a cup of tea and a biscuit.
Joining a Techy Tea Party is easy – you just have to turn up. We’re focusing on helping people with their tech challenges across our EE stores from 9.30am-11am on 9th September. With over 500 stores across the UK there’s bound to be one close to where you are.
If you feel your tech knowledge is already where you want it to be, why not bring your friends and family along who you think may be interested.
You can bring any of your own phones, laptops, tablets or equipment that you’d like to learn more about. We’ll bring the tea and biscuits.
Learn more at https://ee.co.uk/ee-and-me/tech/techy-tea-party/find-a-techy-tea-party
FOR OFFER: Scammers stopped in their tracks
On Friday, 15 August, a 79-year-old gentleman went to his local bank and asked to withdraw £3,000 from his savings account. Having discussed the withdrawal with the customer and being aware of the protocols set by Havering Trading Standards staff at the bank called police.
The victim informed officers from Romford Town Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) that builders had knocked on the door of his home in the Romford area and advised that he needed work done on a leaking gutter that if left unchecked could cause serious problems. The repair cost was quoted at £1,500. However, when the victim agreed to this repair the builders advised that part of the roof also needed work and that the total cost would be £3,000.
Officers from Romford Town NPT and Richard Whight, specialist Fair Trading Officer attended the victim’s property where he found the builders had already begun work on the roof. Richard Whight informed them that as they had not followed the correct procedures the residents was not obliged to pay for the work unless ordered to pay through County Court.
The builders advised that at this point the resident owed them £500 and taking their equipment, left the scene.
Anyone requiring repair work on their property should contact traders who display the ‘Buy with confidence’ logo.
Those displaying this logo are fully audited by the Trading Standards Office to ensure that their business practices are legal, honest and fair. All members are checked for trustworthiness and compliance with consumer protection laws. They carry the necessary insurance and provide clear pricing information to the prospective customer.
To get your Buy with Confidence Directory telephone 08454 040506 www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk.
Join the Mayors’ Tour of Historic Havering – Saturday 20 September
Dear Friend,
It is my very great pleasure to invite you to join me for my first fundraising event in support of my 2014-15 Mayoral Appeal*, a tour of historic Havering including some of our iconic buildings and led by a local history expert – not forgetting the all–important refreshment breaks along the way! – on Saturday 20 September.
Our itinerary will start with morning coffee at St Andrew’s Church in Hornchurch, one of the ancient landmarks of the borough, relied upon as a navigation point by generations of sailors plying up and down the Thames. From there we progress to the Queen’s Theatre, where we will see what happens back-stage as well as front of house. The Queen’s is home to the Cut to the Chase repertory company as well as including many varied events in the programme.
After the Queen’s we move on to the Upminster Windmill one of the few remaining complete windmills in the area. The climb up the mill is well worth it for a close look at the workings of it and the views from the upper levels, including across to the next stop on the tour, the Old Chapel, restored to use with a Heritage Lottery Fund grant. This building was nearly a lost treasure of Havering but renovations were carried out just in time to preserve it as a versatile, multi-purpose space for many people to use and enjoy as it hosts many different events to cater for a wide range of interests.
From here we move to the Upminster Golf Club which has an interesting history in its own right, beside being the venue for our lunch! After a break we move on to the Tithe Barn and a fascinating exhibition of artefacts from the Havering area.
Our final stop will be the Town Hall where I hope you will join me for tea in the Parlour before starting your journey home.
I look forward to welcoming you on Saturday 20 September.
Yours ever, Linda
For more information please download the following PDF and return the eclosed form
Mayor Linda Trew invites you to join her for “A Night at the Dogs!” – Wednesday 15 October
When? Wednesday 15 October, from 7.00 pm (first race 7.30 pm)
Where? The Pavilion Coral Romford Greyhound Stadium, London Road, Romford, RM7 9DU
Please join me for an entertaining night of thrills and spills at the famous Romford Dogs! One of only two remaining greyhound tracks in London, the stadium boasts a comfortable, high quality restaurant in the Pavilion, which has an outside viewing area for diners to enjoy the racing atmosphere right next to the track. This is a wonderful way to spend a fun evening to help me raise funds for my Appeal charities, Add+Up, the Alzheimers Society and Havering Mind.
Features include:
- Exclusive outdoor terrace
- Panoramic view of the track
- Fine dining
- A licensed bar
- State of the art plasma screens
- Table service for food, drinks and betting
The price of £40 includes a 3-course dinner with table wine. This is a very popular venue and we have to reserve our places well in advance so please book early to avoid disappointment.
I very much hope you’ll be able to join me.
Please download the following PDF and return as on the form.
Pathways to Positive Ageing
Active Living will be launching this new initiative for people aged over 60 during August and September. The project aims to engage with residents through a questionnaire survey to understand if this age group are aware of the social, health & well being and financial services available to them.
Letters will be sent out to residents aged over 60yrs. from the Citizens Advice Bureau advising them of the Pathways to Positive Ageing initiative.
The survey will be carried out by trained volunteers. So if you see them out with their clip boards come over and say hello!
Active Living will be launching the project at Havering Show over the Bank holiday weekend.
For more information please contact Kim Crisp 01708 629903 or 07946131041 kim@haveringcab.org.uk