Author Archives: Havo50forum
Free Christmas fair at Langtons gardens returns, (this will be our biggest ever!) Sunday 20th November, 10am-2pm
Langtons Gardens Free Eco Fayre with the Havering Green Streets Volunteers, this Sunday 6th November, 10am to 2pm in the courtyard
Agenda for Forum Tuesday 8th November
8th NOVEMBER 2022
- Welcome from the Chair
- Guest Speakers:
Kim Smith LBH
Climate Change Community Champions Programme
Rebecca Mazrekku – Havering Volunteer Centre –
Recruiting Champions
- Events / Lucky Number
- Members Question & Answer session
- Guest Speakers:
Nick Kingham – LBH Climate Change Programme Manager
Council’s Climate Change Strategy & Action Plan
Debbie Lee – LBH Waste Minimisation Officer
Waste & Recycling, Waste Minimisation & History of Rubbish
- Information from partners/police/voluntary sector
(when available)
- Any other business
- Date of Next Meeting :
Tuesday : 13th December
Havering U3A has moved
“Learn, Laugh and Live!”
Havering U3A has a change of venue: Our monthly meetings now take place in the Hall of Romford Baptist Church, Main Road, RM1 3BL.
We meet on on the second Wednesday of each month at 14.15
Wed Dec 14th
Christmas With the Rat Pack – Presented by Howard Slater
Swing into Christmas with The Rat Pack. Festive classics performed by Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr and Dean Martin. What better way to get into the holiday spirit?
For more information see our website
Havering Live Well with Dementia & Carers Information and Support Programme
St George’s Health & Wellbeing Hub – Overview of Model & Services Presentation
Core20plus5 NHS Community Connector Volunteer Opportunity
As a Core20plus5 NHS Community Connector you will share your time, experiences and knowledge with our communities, the NHS and council to ensure that we can help shape a healthcare system that meets your needs. You can also help your neighbours and community access services such as cancer screenings and health checks!
By becoming a Core20plus5 NHS Community Connector you will be making a difference not only to your community but also to vulnerable individuals who are finding it challenging to get the right support from the health and social care services.
You will be a part of the Core20plus5 programme, which has been established by the Government to ensure the local community have a greater input to shaping and designing local services for them.
The aims of Core20plus5 are:
- For local people to influence the way services are planned, designed, commissioned and delivered
- To build a cohort of Core20plus5 NHS Community Connector volunteers to gather views and experiences from local people and feed back into the NHS and council.
- To engage with local people, putting YOU at the heart of decision making where health is concerned.
- To work with our Community Connectors to provide information and support about local services and signpost to people to where they can seek support.
Havering wants to improve health outcomes for people in Harold Hill. We want to see
- An increase in people registered with their Local GP and able to access the services they need.
- More residents accessing an Over 50s health check
- Improving awareness and attendance for preventative cancer and hyper-tension screenings
Becoming a Core20plus5 NHS Community Connector is a rewarding, flexible and influential role.
Some of the benefits volunteering will give you:
- Build Confidence, improve wellbeing, and gain valuable knowledge!
- Make friends, become part of the wider community
- Gain new skills, new qualifications or build on the knowledge you already have
- Improve your job opportunities, with the skills gained
- You choose when to give your time
Some of the benefits to the Harold Hill Community:
- Being part of the building and delivering change around the health care system in Harold Hill
- The Community working together will strengthen services and shape them to where it is needed.
- Increased understanding between different cultures and religions
- overcoming barriers to health and social care services for all
Who to contact?
This is the exciting part
If you have decided that we are the team for you then please contact the Havering Volunteer Centre to register.
Havering Volunteer Centre details
32-34 The High Street, Romford, RM1 1HR
Telephone Number 01708 922214
They will forward your interest onto us and then an invite will be sent to you for an informal discussion
If you have any questions on the Community Connector volunteering role, please contact Kelly McBride, who will be happy to go through these with you.
Contact Details
Telephone number: 01708 432285
We look forward to welcoming you to our team
Pinney Talfourd Wills and LPA Seminar 25/26 November
Wills and LPA Seminar
Why now is the time to make sure
your affairs are in order.
We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting Wills and LPA seminars in November.
The seminars look at why having a Will and Lasting Power of Attorney in place is so important and why people should not delay in putting them in place.
The seminars will take place on:
- Friday 25 November 09:45am – 11:30am
- Saturday 26 November 09:45am – 11:30am
After the seminar you will be given the opportunity to speak with members of our Private Client team and ask any questions over a cup of tea and a biscuit.
To register for this free seminar please email John Wilcox on specifying which seminar you wish to attend.
If you have any questions please call John on 01708 255189
Cyber Crime Figures for Havering for September 2022 and Fraud Advice
For the full report and Fraud prevention advice please read the full report,