If you have an old inefficient boiler that needs to be replaced and you live in your own home or rent from a private landlord (not Council or housing association) and meet certain eligibility criteria, you may qualify to have it replaced for FREE.
CALL London Warm Zone on 0800 389 7286 to find out if you qualify.
Havering Council is working with London Warm Zone to offer grants for qualifying residents for replacing old heating systems (particularly if your boiler is 10 years or older). We want to help Havering residents who either own their property or rent it from a private landlord live in efficiently heated homes and be able to afford their fuel bills.
You must be in receipt of qualifying benefits and your information will remain confidential and will not be passed to anyone outside of the scheme. All grants are subject to funding availability and technical survey.
You may be eligible for a grant to replace an old inefficient boiler if you own your own home or live in private rented accommodation and anyone living at your address meets any of the following criteria:
You claim state pension credit, or
You claim child tax credit and your household income is below £15,860, or
You claim either income-based job seeker’s allowance, income related employment and support allowance (ESA) or income support and meet at least one of the following criteria:
– You claim a disabled child premium
– You have parental responsibility for a child under 16 who lives at the property
– You have parental responsibility for a child who is over 16, but is under 20, who lives at the property and is in full time education other than higher education
– You claim a pension premium, higher pension premium or enhanced pension premium
– You are in receipt of child tax credit which includes either a disability or severe disability element
– You claim a disability premium, enhanced disability premium or severe disability premium
– You receive a work related activity or support component (only valid if you also claim ESA), or
You claim working tax credit where your household income is below £15,860 and you meet at least one of the following criteria:
– You have parental responsibility for a child under 16 who lives at the property
– You have parental responsibility for a child who is over 16, but is under 20, who lives at the property and is in full time education other than higher education
– You claim a disability premium, enhanced disability premium or severe disability premium
– You are aged 60 or over
CALL London Warm Zone on 0800 389 7286 to find out if you qualify.