Category Archives: Uncategorized

Electoral registration system is changing this summer

Over the summer, all Havering’s residents will receive a letter through the post telling them about the biggest change to the electoral registration system in nearly 100 years.

The letter will explain that a new, more secure, system of Individual Electoral Registration is being introduced to replace the old Victorian system where the “head of household” registered everyone living in a property. Now, each individual will be responsible for registering themselves.

Many residents will automatically move onto the new electoral register. However, some will need to take action to join or remain on it, which they will now also be able to do for the first time by registering quickly and easily online.

Residents will receive a letter between 9-18 August that will explain the change to the electoral registration system. Look out for the letter as it will tell you if you have been automatically transferred to the new register or not. If you have not been transferred, you will need to provide some additional information and the letter will tell you exactly what you need to do.

Samantha Mills, Head of Campaigns at the Electoral Commission, said:

“This summer the Electoral Commission will launch a major advertising campaign that will raise awareness of the change to Individual Electoral Registration. We welcome this change, which will lead to a more secure register and replace the outdated Victorian concept that a single ‘head of household’ is responsible for registering everyone.”

For more information visit If you do not receive a letter contact Election Services on 01708 432444, email:

Havering Over 50s Forum deliver over 500 letters to 10 Downing Street urging the Prime Minister to create a Minister for Older People

Dame Angela Watkinson accompanied by Chairman Cliff Reynolds and President Pam Light delivered over 500 letters to the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street on 10 June 2014, with many more in the pipeline.

photo 1

For the full press release read the following:

Havering Over 50s Forum deliver over 500 letters to 10 Downing Street urging the Prime Minister to create a Minister for Older People Press Release – 24 June 2014

Skyride Easygoing “Romford ride through Raphael and Lodge Farm Parks” – Sunday 6th July 10:00 a.m

Hi all, the next Havering Easygoing Skyride is on 6th July at 10:00 a.m.

It is the “Romford ride through Raphael and Lodge Farm Parks”.

This is a fantastic easygoing ride through two of Haverings’ great parks.  This traffic free route is perfect for anybody wanting to get out on their bike in a safe environment.  At around two and a half miles long you will get the chance to stretch your legs without over doing it on a Sunday!

This is a ride particularly suited for families and beginners, even for bikes with stabilizers.

Please share this with the local schools and families you are involved with. It may be of particular interest for children and families currently undertaking rideability. Of course please come along yourselves.

It starts from the Car Park in Lodge Farm Park on Carlton Road RM2 5AA.

Registration is available at

Orange Recycling Bags – What’s In and What’s Out

Thanks to a member of the forum who sent in the following comment regarding the recycling of plastic.

“According to the council, we still can’t recycle plastic other than bottles in our orange sacks. There is a bin for mixed plastic in the corner of the Brewery car park near Sainsbury’s, Toby, etc and another inside the entrance of the swimming changing room at Harrow Lodge leisure centre. Also some other boroughs have bring bins for mixed plastic in the street eg Hackney.

The following is an extract from the council website which clarifies what’s in and what’s out.

What can go in the orange sacks?

  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Junk mail and flyers
  • Brochures, catalogues and directories (including Yellow Pages)
  • Thin card such as cereal packets and similar boxes
  • Food tins
  • Drink cans
  • Pet food tins
  • Please rinse cans
  • All plastic bottles, including:
    • Milk and other drinks
    • Detergent (including bleach) and shampoo bottles
    • Please remove lids and squash
    • Old Yellow Pages can now be put out for recycling in your orange sacks

Cardboard should be flattened and placed alongside your orange sacks.

What cannot go in the orange sacks?

  • Plastics other than plastic bottles – Yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, plastic trays or other packaging. These cannot currently be recycled in Havering
  • Glass – Please take glass bottles/jars to bring banks or Gerpins Lane RRC
  • Textiles – Please take textiles and shoes to bring banks, charity shops or Gerpins Lane RRC
  • General household waste – Place household waste in black sacks or take to Gerpins Lane RRC
  • Green waste – There are several options available for your green waste. It should either be home composted, placed in Havering green bins (as part of the Wheeled Bin Garden Waste Collection Service) or green sacks. Alternatively it can be taken to Gerpins Lane RRC
  • Milk/juice cartons (‘Tetrapaks’) – The combination of foil, plastic and cardboard means they are problematic to recycle. Recycling Bring Banks for cartons now exist at five sites in the Borough. See the Carton Recycling Bank section for further information

More info at

“The Trouble with Mobility Scooters” on BBC 1 22:45 tonight 18 June

With around 330,000 mobility scooters on our roads and pavements, Britain has more mobility scooters than any other country in Europe – and the numbers are growing fast.

For owners, scooters are a lifeline offering freedom and independence, but for some road users they can cause chaos. The number of accidents with mobility scooter drivers is increasing and there’s very little regulation, as mobility scooter drivers don’t need to pass a proficiency test and insurance is not compulsory. Even being registered blind doesn’t legally stop you being allowed to drive one.

With access to South Yorkshire Police’s mobility scooter driving school, this warm hearted, engaging and informative documentary follows the lives of scooter users in South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and North Wales. We meet those living their twilight years to the full with the help of a four-wheeled friend and also hear the stories of those who have fallen foul of the mobility scooter phenomenon.

With ailing health a common theme, the documentary is as much about mortality as it is mobility.