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Friends of Havering Museum 2015-2016 events

The following is the latest list of events from the Friends of Havering Museum. To book a place on a talk or walk ring the Museum on 01708 766571.

For coach trips only, applications and enquiries to Bill Dale, Tel: no. 0208 597 2944 or email .  The form needed is Coach trips Friends of Havering Museum booking form .

All other events must be booked through or by telephone to 01708 749119. For information on membership of the Friends, email or ask for a form at Reception.

Friends of Havering Museum was set up in 2000 to support and promote the aims of Havering Museum. We provide an exclusive and exciting programme of events which are designed for members.

 2015 – 2016 Programme

24 January 2015 – 1 pm Talk on the National Archives, military records and people’s stories *Free

Tuesday, 24 February, 12 noon Lunch with Friends at The Harrow pub Hornchurch.

Saturday, 14 March,   2 pm Vicars and Vices   –  Andrew Curtin talks about some fascinating people from the history of Havering. *Free

Tuesday, 21 April, 11 am Visit to Museum of London Dockland, West India Quay, Canary Wharf. (Meet 10.45 at Docklands Museum or at Romford Station at 9.45 am). Free entry to Museum. Travel by Rail

Saturday, 23 May, 8.30 am Coach Trip to Rye, Pick Up Queen’s Theatre, Hornchurch.  Coach £18.00

Monday, 1 June, AGM –   2.30 pm Review of the year and guest speaker. *Free

Monday, 22 June, 1 pm WW1 Hornchurch Heritage Walk by Brian Evans and Ian Selby. Meet outside the Queen’s Theatre, Hornchurch. *Free

Saturday, 4 July, 8.30 am Coach trip to Bury St Edmunds with optional Greene King Visitor Centre brewery tour. Pick up Queen’s Theatre, Hornchurch and leave Bury St Edmunds at 5.00 pm. Coach £20.00 Brewery Tour £10.00

Monday, 7 September, 11 am Olympic Park Guided Walk with Ian Selby.   Meet at Westfield Shopping Centre, Stratford or at Romford Station at 10.00 am. *Free

Saturday, 12 September, 8.00 am Coach trip to Portsmouth, Pick up Queen’s Theatre, Hornchurch        Coach £21.50

Wednesday, 7 October, 11.00 am Guided tour of Rainham Hall and afternoon tea.     Tbc

Tuesday, 20 October, 7 pm Quiz night at Aroma Restaurant, Romford £10.

Tuesday, 17 November, 1.30 pm Brick Lane Music Hall C hristmas Show with afternoon tea (sandwiches, cakes). Travel by Rail, Show £35

Thursday, 17 December, 2pm – 4 pm Friends and Partners Christmas Social at Havering Museum. £5

Saturday, 23 January 2016 – 2 pm Talk on Hylands House, Chelmsford. *Free

Saturday, 20 February 2016 – 1 pm Antiques and Collectables talk and active involvement in mock auction with refreshments. £6

March – Quiz Night   – TBC

Talks   *Non members £5

Walks ** Non members £3, if places available.

New Exhibitions for 2015/16

  • 10 January – 28 March 2015
  • Romford Market: Historic Heart of the Town
  • 5 September – 10 October
  • Havering Museum Photography Group: 3rd Annual Exhibition

Become a Friend and receive the following benefits:

  • Free talks by experienced speakers
  • Invitations to the launch of Museum exhibitions
  • Organised coach trips
  • Visits to local places of interest
  • Social events, quiz / Christmas social
  • Quarterly News letters

Annual Membership Fees

£10 – Individual membership

Museum Opening Times

Wednesday – Saturday 11 am – 4 pm

Adults £2.50

Concession £2.00

Season Ticket: £15 and £12 concession

Greater London Forum Draft Manifesto

  • Maintaining universal tax free pensioner benefits (Freedom Pass, winter fuel allowance, free TV licences for the over 75s and free prescriptions) without any means-testing.
  • Raising the basic state pension for all new pensioners above the poverty level and ensuring existing pensioners will not be not penalised by the new single-tier state pension
  • Reintroducing the Retail Price Index alongside the Consumer Price Index, earnings and 2.5% as a measure for increasing pensions each year
  • Ensuring that all patients leaving hospital have their needs for care after discharge fully considered in good time to make appropriate arrangements, ensuring that uncertainty about responsibility for funding does not interfere with best practice.
  • Introducing a legally binding Dignity Code to improve the quality and standards of care for older people in hospital, care homes or their own home.
  • Improve quality of current and future dementia care by increasing public awareness of the issue, planning for increased resources in the future and ensuring that professional carers have adequate time to help their clients.

Please email any comments to


Cycle and Walking Maps

At the forum today people asked for copies of maps.

The TfL Local Cycling Guide Maps (also good for walking) can be ordered at .

You should also be able to get them at libraries and information centres. The map numbers you need for Havering are 5 and 8. Central London is number 1.

Interest was also shown in Sustrans route 136, The Havering Ingrebourne Way from Harold Hill to Rainham Marshes. I will try and bring seom along to the next forum, We will also have some at the IWD on 7 March. In the meantime I have scanned it in and you can download it from here. Sustrans route 136


Avoid falling victim of being an online auction seller or administrator

Fraudsters are targeting people to list items on their behalf on popular online auction sites. The scam involves a job offer to sell desirable items at below market value and receive money from any potential buyers. The ‘work from home’ job will usually require retaining 10% of the money received as a “salary” and fraudsters will ask that the remaining funds are sent to them via bank transfer or money transfer.

In these cases the proposed items being sold do not exist and are therefore not dispatched to the proposed buyers. This will usually result in the buyer making a complaint concerning the individual who has listed the items. This can result in your bank account being closed by the bank for suspected fraud or money laundering and being held accountable for reimbursing the potential buyers.

Protect yourself:

  • Do not list items on online auction sites on behalf of others you do not know or trust.
  • Be vigilant of ‘work from home’ jobs which involve passing funds through your bank account.
  • Meet face to face with any potential employer
  • Question job offers which seem “too good to be true”.

Help make Haverings Roads safer for all

Last year Londons cyclists identifed at least one action to be taken in each ward to make the roads safer. Although led by the capitals’ cyclists the actions bring road safety improvements across London for everyone.

During the local elections each candidiate was asked to support the proposals and seek the improvements if elected.

A few of these promisses have been met but many haven’t. The Havering cycling community is now working on a petition to remind the councillors that we still want to make our roads safer.

If you would like to support the petition then please sign up at

Havering Space for Cycling Petition

Remember even if you personally don’t cycle you, are a pedestrian and these improvements will help you too, also your friends and family may be cyclists so ask them to sign the petition.

You will be able to sign up and also see what improvements we have asked for in Havering .

These include:

  • lowering vehicle speeds
  • removing through motor traffic on minor/residential streets
  • installing physically protected space for cycling on main roads
  • opening up our green areas for cycling
  • creating safe cycle routes to schools
  • improving London’s town centres to make them easier to visit by bike

You can find out more at What is Space for Cycling?