Come and have some fun in the garden, bring your family too, for the launch of ‘Growing Friends’… all free. May 10 2015 – 2-5 p.m.
Come for the official launch and presentation at 3pm. We’ll go through the development of the garden from a jungle to a beautiful communal gardening space in the 2 years since we’ve been here. And tell you more about the club.
Or pop in…
On the hour – We’ll run some historical tours of the garden which dates back to the 1770’s when the old house was built and the park was the Heaton estate. Lots to tell including the recent discovery of a second well and pineapples!
And on the half hour – We’ll also take you around the garden showing you what is growing, plans for the future and some of the more unusual things that we’re growing. You can say hi to the bees and maybe our pheasants will be there for you too.
Refreshments and social 2-5pm
The club is for people over 50 (but won’t exclude anyone). It will take place on first Wednesday of each month. The launch will introduce people to the historical walled garden and what the club’s all about – gardening, social, learning, exercise, events and activities etc. Members can develop the club to how they want it to be.
Membership is £3 per visit (to pay for refreshments) and there are discounts for subscriptions paid in advance. Members also have the benefit of discounted organic foods from the garden.
Ask Kirsty for more details – email: or call: 078 645 645 04 or visit