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Silver Sunday 4th October – two events for the lonely or isolated

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The Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr Brian Eagling and Mrs Bunny Eagling as part of their Mayoral role from the London Mayors Association are organizing two Silver Sunday events in partnership with Havering Citizens Advice Bureau part of Havering Council’s Active Living 50+ project and Tesco Roneo Corner.

The events will take place on Sunday 4th October 10am-12noon or 2pm-4pm especially for isolated or lonely older citizens.

They are taking place at Tesco’s Roneo Corner where there will be a buffet and tea/coffee and soft drinks. There will be a quiz, music, and general chit chat.

It is a day when we are trying to locate the lonely in the community and give them an enjoyable day where they will find out about activities in Havering and also in the hope that they may make friends.

Please ring Kim Crisp 01708 629903 Bunny Eagling on 01708 373027 if you feel this would be something that would interest you.

Pinney’s Great Balloon Race a real success – Have you found a balloon?


Pinney Talfourd Solicitors released over 600 balloons at Upminster Cricket Club during their great charity balloon race on Thursday in a mass of purple across the sky.

Local residents and fellow businesses donated to Pinney Talfourd’s charity of the year Bertie’s Battle in return for a balloon tag. Support was fantastic and the event raised over £1,700 as well as lots of smiles from children who also got to take away a balloon.

Each tag was attached to one of the many balloons that took flight on a westerly wind towards Romford. They are now relying on the lovely local community to get in touch when they find a balloon tag to tell them where it landed. All successfully landed balloons will be mapped and the owner of the balloon that travels the furthest will win a prize. Tags have been returned from the South Coast and one from France! All landed balloons will be mapped on an interactive map displayed on their website. So if you bought a balloon make sure you check to see if yours has landed yet!

Found a balloon?

Tweet  @PinneyTalfourd

Email –

Call – 01708 229 444

Post – 54 Station Road, Upminster, RM14 2TU

Or drop in to any of their offices in Upminster, Hornchurch or Brentwood.

Forum Christmas Lunch – YMCA Romford – Wednesday 9th December – Places going fast so book soon


Our Christmas Lunch this year will be held at the exiting new venue, the YMCA Romford. on Wednesday 9th December, 12.30 for 1.00pm

There will be a sit down 3 course meal with a drink included all for a mouth watering £15.00.

Kay will have menu tickets at the October Forum, where either a deposit or full amount will be required.

Or if anyone wants to put their names onto the list they can phone, email or text Kay on 01708 372992, 07710 536666,

Information about the YMCA can be found at YMCA Romford Diner

Join in Pinney Talfourd’s Great Charity Balloon Race on 10 September


Pinney Talfourd LLP will be launching a charity balloon race in Upminster on Thursday 10 September in aid of their charity of the year Bertie’s Battle.

Every year Pinney Talfourd nominates a charity of the year. This year it was very easy to choose a cause to support as one of their long serving members of staff has a one year old grandchild by the name of Bertie.

Unfortunately during labour Bertie was deprived of oxygen for 21 minutes. As a result he was diagnosed with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy grade III and has no swallow reflex, dystonia, visual and hearing impairment and cerebral palsy.

The family plan to take him to Panama for Stem Cell therapy, which is not available in the UK. They are being assisted by Tree of Hope, a charity committed to assisting sick children like Bertie.

Pinney Talfourd will be holding a balloon race at 4pm on 10 September. The balloons will be launched at the start line at Upminster Cricket Club. They will then be relying on the lovely local community to get in touch when they find a balloon, telling them where it landed. All successfully landed balloons will be mapped and the owner of the balloon that travels the furthest will win an amazing £200 Amazon voucher!

Balloons cost just £2 each and can be purchased at Pinney Talfourd’s Upminster or Hornchurch reception, via their website, or on the day at Upminster Cricket Club (in Upminster Park).

Parking across Driveways and dropped kerbs.


Inconsiderate motorists who block driveways are a persistent cause of complaint; however the circumstances in which any kind of enforcement can be applied has often been hazy. In order to give a definitive guide of what can and can’t be done, the following should be of assistance. Recent changes in legislation (Traffic Management Act 2004) mean that a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) can be issued by the Council to vehicles which are obstructing a dropped kerb (driveway) whether there is a car in the drive or not.

A PCN can therefore be issued where the kerb has been lowered for the purpose of:

  • Assisting vehicles entering or leaving the road
  • Assisting pedestrians crossing the road
  • Assisting cyclists entering or leaving the road

An important factor is that a PCN can only be issued if an occupier contacts the council with registration details and requests a PCN to be issued. This avoids the scenario where a PCN might be issued to a resident parking across their own driveway or where legitimate visitors are parked with the occupiers consent.

Any resident requiring this course of action should call the Traffic & Parking Control Team on 01708 432787 or 01708 434698 (after 5pm) and provide the registration details whereupon a Civil Enforcement Officer will attend as soon as is practically possible.

It is also important to remember that the call must be done at the time the vehicle is obstructing the driveway as a PCN cannot be issued retrospectively