As mentioned at todays Forum there is no increase in next years membership and as a thanks to members you are all invited to the Queens Theatre on 10 February at 14:00 for afternoon tea.
- The membership will stay at £5 for each member for the year 2016.
- We will continue to charge an additional £1 entrance fee to each meeting which will contribute to the needs of the forum. We will not be continuing with the monthly draw.
- New coloured membership cards will be handed out on receipt of the £5 membership fee which will need to be shown at each event/forum attended.
- Please try and ensure you have paid your 2016 membership fees by the February meeting.
Queens Theatre Members Afternoon Tea.
Why not come along to the Queens Theatre on 10 February at 14:00 to have a cup of tea and cake to meet other members of the forum. There is a small donation of £2 for each member who comes along.
This is a members only event as a thank you for your continued support. Up to date Membership cards will need to be shown to attend the event.
Please pay Kay at the January Forum or let her know you are coming.