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Diabetes UK- Havering Group talk – 21st May 2018

Meetings held   at    North  Street   Halls ,24 North Street, Hornchurch – Opposite  Iceland   RM11 1QX .  Normally on  the third  Monday  of each month (except for August and January) at 8PM

At our 21st   May 2018  Meeting, We have have invited Dr Eleanor Kennedy  B Sc PhD MBA, Research Scientist to She will give and update on the latest research in the World of Diabetes. We have  our  own  website , it includes our whole list of events for the year, plus other valuable information  for your attention.

The link to the website is

Or contact  our  secretary  , Ann on 01708 -935779, for more details, Ann will be more than happy to assist you with your enquiry

Everyone is Welcome everyone to  our  group .If you are a diabetes sufferer it is well worth coming to our meetings , we can provide the support you need .Our group has been established for 39 years .We have a speaker every month , on a medical subject , you can really get some good advice .

“Learn, Laugh and Live!” Havering U3A meets at 2:30pm second Wednesday of the month

“Learn, Laugh and Live!”

Havering U3A meets at 2:30pm second Wednesday of the month at St. Michael’s Church Hall, Main Road, Gidea Park.

April 11 Brad Ashton on ‘A Job of a Laughtime’

May 9th Anne Stott on “The Golden Age of Venice”

June 13th Mihaly Saary on “Hungary 1943-1956”

Doors open 2:15pm. For more information come along or see our website.

Havering Museum Talks and Exhibition – April to August

Havering Museum is shortly launching the Titanic Honour & Glory Exhibition on Saturday, 7th April at 12 noon.  This is a fantastic exhibition with over 200 items relating to the Titanic and we will also be featuring stories from local people who have a connection to the ship, plus we have Kate Winslet dress from the film..

There is a series of Titanic seven talks throughout the five months it is in Havering.   To reserve tickets for talks ring 01708 766571 or email or pop into the Museum on or after Saturday 7th April.   The museum only opens Wed – Saturday, 11am – 4pm.

Visit our website for further information

Diabetes UK- Havering Group – AGM 16 April 2018 – Followed by Cheese and Wine

Meetings held   at    North  Street   Halls ,24 North Street, Hornchurch – Opposite  Iceland   RM11 1QX .  Normally on  the third  Monday  of each month (except for August and January) at 8PM

At our  16  April 2018  Meeting, We are holding our Annual General Meeting, this will be followed by  “Cheese and Wine”   We have  our  own  website , it includes our whole list of events for the year, plus other valuable information  for your attention.

The link to the website is

Or contact  our  secretary  , Ann on 01708 -935779, for more details, Ann will be more than happy to assist you with your enquiry

Everyone is Welcome everyone to  our  group .If you are a diabetes sufferer it is well worth coming to our meetings , we can provide the support you need .Our group has been established for 37 years .We have a speaker every month , on a medical subject , you can really get some good advice .