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Chair needed for the Havering Safer Neighbourhood Board

Safer Neighbourhood Boards (SNBs) is the means by which the Mayor of London (through the Deputy Mayor and the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime) holds the Police to account for performance, giving Havering Residents a greater voice in setting policing priorities. 

SNBs sit alongside existing performance management arrangements in the Havering Community Safety Partnership, and scrutiny arrangements through Havering Council’s Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee.

The Job:

The SNB are seeking a Chair to direct their work ensuring this reflects the objectives set out by the London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC).

The key responsibilities are to chair and direct quarterly meetings of the Safer Neighbourhood Board (SNB) and attend other meetings to advance the work of the Safer Neighbourhood Board as required.

If you believe you have what it takes for this this role, we want to hear from you.

Additional Information:

If you require a job profile for this post then please contact Jerry Haley on 01708 434370  or Mayuri Raja on 01708 431441 and a job profile will be emailed by return.  

This role is not open to current staff of the London Borough of Havering or serving councillors.  

Salary: £2,000 annually (Initially for a period of two years, external funding allowing)

Closing date for applications:  Friday 3rd May 2019.  

Join Pinney Talfourd Solicitors’ free advice sessions to learn about the different types of Wills and Lasting Power of Attorneys – Friday 12th April and Saturday 13th April, 10.00am – 11.30am

Are your affairs in order?

We are opening our doors once again this month for our ever-popular FREE Wills and LPA advice seminars.

Over half the population in the UK do not have a Will and this, unfortunately, can lead to difficulties for families and loved ones upon death.

In addition to this, Dementia can lead to you being unable to make your own decisions. A Lasting Power of Attorney allows you to nominate a person to make decisions on your behalf in the future if you become unable to.

Join our free advice sessions to learn about the different types of Wills and Lasting Power of Attorneys, and get some no-obligation tailored advice from one of our solicitors over a coffee afterwards.

Friday 12th April 2019
Saturday 13th April 2019

Time (both dates):
10.00am – 11.30am

Pinney Talfourd Solicitors, 54 Station Road,
Upminster, Essex, RM14 2TU

Book your place:
For more information and to book your free place please contact Nicholas Conway​ on 01708 2294444 or click here to book online.