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“Learn, Laugh and Live!” with Havering U3A
“Learn, Laugh and Live!”
Havering U3A meets at 2:30pm second Wednesday of the month at St. Michael’s Church Hall, Main Road, Gidea Park.
November 13th “Reflections of Post War London” by Bernard Lockett.
December 11th “The Bank of England Art and Architecture” by Tim Kidd
Interest groups run throughout the month.
Doors open 2:15pm. For more information come along or see our website.
Queens Theatre Fundraising Quiz Night Tue 29 October, 7.30pm
Challenge your friends with a fun and friendly night out. Filled with music, tricky questions and laughs you’ll be entertained throughout.
Tables of 6-8 people, £8/person. To book call Box Office on 01708 443333
Chair Based Exercise
Love Unspoken – A Performance for people living with dementias and carers
Love Unspoken explores the everyday love that we never quite manage to speak of. Taking you on a sensory journey of jasmine, dance and Indian-influenced rhythms, this is an inclusive performance developed in collaboration with members of Havering Asian Social Welfare Association (HASWA), open for all to enjoy. Audiences are led into a ritualised space: scattered rose petals, scented water, and red earth – the space is evocative of unspoken moments, unspoken but remembered, personal yet universal in meaning, where grief and pain is exposed but life and love are beautifully celebrated.
“Love Unspoken shines a light on the 25,000 people from BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) communities in the UK living with dementia and their carers. People who are not involved in the arts and older people agendas, or health arts and wellbeing programmes” – Arti Prashar, Director, Love Unspoken
Directed and conceived by Arti Prashar, who stepped down as Spare Tyre’s Artistic Director and CEO this year after being with the company for 19 years, Love Unspoken is a Spare Tyre production in association with Queens Theatre Hornchurch and supported by The Mercers’ Charitable Foundation.
“The Garden is an immensely important piece of theatre developed with real thought and care by a company determined to give a voice to the voiceless.” – Douglas Rintoul, Artistic Director, Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch
Havering Museum – 3 Talks during October – Excellent Essex, Police Heroes of Essex, and Haunted Royal Palaces and Houses
What’s On at Langtons Gardens Autumn/Winter 2019
Learn to Nordic Walk at Thames Chase
13th August Forum meeting – Speakers from both the NHS and CCG – Safeguarding and Harm Free Care
Gary Etheridge, Director of Nursing, Safeguarding and Harm Free Care, BHRU Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Ann Baldwin, General Practioner, Clinical Director (Havering CCG)