Techy Teas at Nat West Romford – 16 April, 14 May, 4 June

Active Living 50+ are working in Partnership with Nat West Romford Town Branch to deliver FREE Techy Tea sessions. If you would like to find out how better to use your mobile phone, laptop or tablet device why not bring it along. Join us for a cup of tea or coffee and learn some new skills.

Let us help you at one of our sessions at Nat West Bank, 10 South Street Romford

  • 16th April 10am -12 noon
  • 14th May 10am – 12noon
  • 4th June 10am – 12noon

No need to book just come along and join in.

For further information contact

Kim Crisp

01708 629903


Havering Council alerts residents to Council Tax scam

Havering Council is urging residents to be cautious when paying their council tax over the phone. Some residents have been receiving calls asking for their bank or credit card details so their Council Tax or Council Tax arrears can be paid.

Any residents, who receive such a call, should check that it is genuine:

  • Explain to the caller you wish to check their identity, write down their name and department and hang up your telephone.
  • Scammers will keep the telephone line open so when you make a call out straight away you are still talking to the scammer.
  • To avoid this, wait at least 15 minutes or use another line to make the call, such as a mobile phone, call Havering Council on 01708 434343 and ask for the person and department.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Roger Ramsey, said:

“Scammers are using a number of methods to get account details from people. Anyone who receives a call asking for their bank details should check its authenticity, whether it is from the Council or not.

“Staff at the council are aware of this scam and will be happy to assist anyone who wants to check that the call is genuine. Anyone who receives a call that turns out to be fraudulent should report it to Action Fraud.”

Scam telephone calls should be reported to Action Fraud with as much detail as possible, on 0300 123 2040 or visit

Study/Research into Ageism and Alzheimer’s

Dear all I have been contacted by a researcher asking for help by filling in a study.

If you wish to help the study is at

The acompanying email is as follows:


My name is James Cully. I came across your site conducting an online search. I am a PhD researcher in University College Cork, Ireland,  carrying out a study on 50 – 75 year old people and how they engage with cognitively stimulating activities. The research is focused on the negative aspects of ageism and how it may affect Alzheimer’s disease. I know that surveys are a nuisance and so I am very much just gently enquiring if you would have any interest in collaborating in my research? The survey is completely anonymous and does not ask for any contact details. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete. I’m finding it very difficult to access participants in this particular age demographic, and so would be very appreciative of any help you could provide. I can email on a link to the survey if you are willing to help, which could perhaps be sent to your members?

Thank you for your time,


Events and Exhibitions at Romford Museum


Romford Market: Historic Heart of the Town

Saturday, 10 January – Saturday 28 March

This exhibition explores the history of the Market from the 13th century to the present day. It examines the key role it has played in the development of Romford and how it has evolved over the years.

50 Years of Havering, 1 April – 12 June 2015

Telling the story of the creation of the London Borough of Havering on 1 April 1965.

Land, Sea and Sky: The Art of Robert Bryan

4 April – 27 June 2015

Over 40 paintings and sketches by the Romford artist, some of which have never been displayed before, ranging from maritime and aviation scenes to landscapes and the natural world.


Family Activities

Pirate Pete and the Easter Egg Hunt

Thursday, 2 April, 11 am

£5 per child, accompanying adults free

Come along and take part in our Easter Egg Hunt and learn about pirates. Best dressed pirate wins a prize. Every child receives a ‘Pirate Egg’.

Spies and Espionage

Wednesday, 8 April, 1pm

£3 per child, accompanying adult free

Learn how to be a brilliant spy, write secret messages in code and use other undercover techniques.

FREE WWI Talks for Schools and Children’s Uniform Groups. Contact Ellen Owen on 01708 766571 for information about free WWI sessions. Email:

Havering’s Hedgehogs

Join our Saturday Hedgehogs Club for 4 to 11 year olds, 11.30 am – 12.30 pm.

Annual membership is £12.

Sessions include arts and crafts, object hunts in the Museum. See our separate programme for more information.

Adult Activities

Tales From Romford Market

Thursday, 19 March, 6.30 pm

Tony Luscombe, shares his memories of working in Romford Market for nearly 57 years and presenting the Queen with a quilt cover.

An Amazing Life

Saturday, 28 March, 2 pm  –  £3.50

Danni Almond, famous movie stunt man, shares his stories of working with the Beatles, Bob Hope and many more top celebrities.


Havering Museum Photographic Group

1st Thursday – 1.30pm – 3.30pm

£5.00 per session or £7.50 for a workshop.

Join the Museum’s monthly Photographic Group and have fun with your camera, make new friends and share techniques.

New – Fun With Photography Events

Wednesdays, 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

Total Cost £45

Six sessions which explain what makes a good photograph and takes you through both artistic and technical matters to enable you to produce your own ‘masterpieces’ with your own camera.

Dates: 25 March, 15 and 29 April, 13 and 27 May and 10 June.

Family Tree Talks, 1 pm – 3 pm £5 per session

Learn more about tracing your ancestors by attending our three interactive talks. 11 April – Introduction and tips, 9 May, Military Records and 30 May, Family Tree Surgery –

Variety Clubs (For Over 50s)

Events are Free – £2 for tea and cake

This Club is run on a fortnightly basis on Wednesdays and Thursdays and is for people over 50 who wish to try new activities, learn a new skill, listen to talks and make new friends. Next sessions 4 and 12 March. Places are limited and must be reserved.  See separate information sheet.

 Join Friends of Havering Museum

Become a Friend of Havering Museum for £10 per annum and receive 4 free walks/talks each year. For further details contact or ring 01708 749119. Application forms available at the Museum.

 Opening Hours:

Wednesday to Saturday 11.00 am to 5.00 pm

Last Admission to Museum 4.00 pm.


Open from 11 am – 4.30 pm on Museum days.


£2.50 Adult

£2.00 Senior Citizen

Free – Under 16 (accompanied by adult)

£15.00 Adult Annual Ticket

£12.00 Senior Citizen Annual Ticket

Other charges may apply for special events

Havering Museum

19-21 High Street, ROMFORD, RM1 1JU

Telephone 01708 766 571

Website :



How To Find Us

From Romford Station turn left, go along South Street. At Market Place, turn left into High Street and we are 50 metres on left.

 Brewery Car Park (Pay on exit) From car park go into South Street and follow route from railway station.


New bridge links Dagenham and Ingrebourne Valley

Dagenham and Ingrebourne Valley are a step closer today after a new walking and cycling bridge was lifted into place in east London.

Bretons Bridge, which spans the River Beam between the Bretons Outdoor Centre and the Beam Valley Country Park, will provide a new link for people in Barking, Dagenham and Havering.

Read more and see the video at

Support our campaign for a Minister for Older People, write to the Prime Minister today

The following a letter for you to send to David Cameron to support our campaign for a minister for older people.

You can download it to fill it in and send it off here David Cameron letter (new)

The contents of the letter are:

Dear Mr Cameron

As an older resident of Havering, I urgently request you appoint a Minister specifically for Older People.

There is a Minister for Children, and rightly so, as their needs are different from those of Adults and there is also one for people with Disabilities whose needs are different again. I urgently request you appoint a Minister for Older People whose needs are complex and not specifically covered by any ministry.

To illustrate the importance of older people to the UK economy :

  • They support 5.7 million full time jobs in the UK through their spending and taxes
  • Gross income of over 50’s households were 48.1pc of total UK household income in 2013
  • In 2013 the over 50s generated £113 billion in tax revenue

Havering has the largest percentage of elderly people in all the London Boroughs. Approximately one third of our 250,000 population are over 65 with a large number over 80years of age. Senior Citizens, have considerable influence in their community whether it be through their knowledge or experience and the fact they provide the majority of volunteers in all areas. Older people live fulfilling lives as they safeguard the local cultural, social and economic interests for the benefit of their wider community

They should be looked upon, not as a burden but as a group to engage with their own dedicated Minister.

We are not properly represented in Parliament.

We believe Havering is a great place to grow older.


The General Election (7th May 2015) will decide who becomes your local Member of Parliament (MP) and who forms the next Parliament and UK Government. Whoever you vote for and whoever wins, this is a really important opportunity to engage with your local candidates on issues that matter to older people in your area.

Age UK’s ambition for the next Parliament (2015-2020) is that politicians address the issues to ensure that the UK can be ‘a great place to grow older’ for older people today and tomorrow. This document summarises points raised by older people during our campaigning work.   It is designed to support you to engage with your local candidates on your priorities and ensure your voice is heard.

Meet your Candidates

If a candidate knocks on your door, you meet them in the street, you attend a local event in your area, it’s a great opportunity to make your voice heard. You can help them understand the issues facing people in later life? You can help explain what they can do, if elected as your MP, to help make your area and the UK a great place to grow older as an Age Champion?

Make your voice heard

When speaking to candidates, you might find this document a helpful guide to explain the kind of issues people face and our vision for later life. Overleaf are some suggested questions you might like to ask your local candidates, related to the campaign. You might also want to ask your own questions, based on your local experience and area.

For ideas on what to ask please read the folowing PDF document.

Quiz your candidate