Havering Museum Events for August and Septemeber


Second Hand Book Sale

Saturday, 8 August  11 am – 4pm   –  Free entry to the book sale but normal admissions to the galleries apply.


Cheese and Wine Tasting evening at the Museum

Thursday, 20 August at 7pm   –  Tickets £10

A great evening to have fun with friends learning about different wines and cheeses –  lots of tasting involved.


Spy Catchers Talk

Wednesday, 26 August, 7 pm   –  £3.50

Fascinating stories of how spies were parachuted behind enemy lines , evaded capture and gathered vital intelligence.


Family Tree Talks on Saturday Afternoons

These are interactive sessions for people doing their family tree or for people who want to know what information is available.

Saturdays.5 September, 22 October and 21 November

Tickets £5 per session, with refreshments

To reserve a ticket for the above events visit the Museum Wednesday – Saturday, 11 am – 5pm, or telephone 01708 766571 or email hmmarketing@btconnect.com    By post to Havering Museum, 19 High Street, Romford, Essex, RM1 1JU.  Cheques should be made payable to Havering Museum Ltd.

Beginner and Family Friendly 2.5 mile Wildlife and Wilderness Skyride through Lodge Farm and Raphael Parks – 26 July 2:00 p.m.

led skyride local


Sunday 26 July 2015 – Start Time 2:00 p.m. – 2.5 miles

“A 2.5 mile Wildlife and Wilderness ride through Lodge Farm and Raphael Parks”

Very suitable for beginners, families and children.

Start From: Lodge Farm Park Carlton Road (southern) entrance RM2 5AA
Join us on this fantastic easy-going ride through two of Haverings great parks.  This traffic free route is perfect for anybody wanting to get out on their bike in a safe environment.  At around two and a half miles long you will get the chance to stretch your legs without over doing it on a Sunday!


More details and registration at www.goskyride.com/Search/Details?eventid=59586


Sky Ride Local rides are free, fun guided bike rides that offer a great way of getting out and exploring the local area with friends and family. The rides are guided by friendly British Cycling Ride Leaders along scenic planned routes. With different levels, there’s something for everyone – whether you’re building your confidence or already comfortable on a bike and looking for a challenge.

For more information about Sky Ride Local and other bike riding opportunities in your local area, visit goskyride.com.

Ride London 2015 Feeder Ride Gidea Park Station to Fenchurch Street, picking up in Barking and Dagenham

Ride London 2015

We want as many people as possible – of all ages and abilities – to enjoy Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle so we’ve put together a guided ride to deliver you to the heart of the action in central London on Saturday 1 August.

The Ride London 2015 Free Cycle feeder ride starting from Gidea Park Station in Havering and finishing at Fenchurch Street. The route goes via Barking and Dagenham and picks up B&D riders at the start of CS3. After following CS3 for part of the way it then leaves CS3 and enters central London.via St Katherines Canal and the Tower of London.

Please register at http://www.prudentialridelondon.co.uk/The_Events/FreeCycle/Rider_Info/Guided_Rides.htm

Barking & Dagenham

Route: Barking to Leadenhall Market
Start point: River Road / Alfreds Way / Cycle Superhighway 3 Junction, Near Greatfields Park, Barking IG11 0EU
End point: Leadenhall Market
Start time: 10:00
Distance: 9 miles
Return ride start point: Leadenhall Market
Return ride start time: 15:00


Route: Gidea Park to Leadenhall Market
Start point: Gidea Park Rail Station Car Park, Crossways, Havering RM2 6AT
End point: Leadenhall Market
Start time: 09:00
Distance: 16 miles
Return ride start point: Leadenhall Market
Return ride start time: 15:00

Havering Health – GP Access Hub – See a GP in the evening or at weekends

You are now able to visit a GP locally from

6.30pm10.00pm Monday-Friday

12.00pm5.00pm Saturday

12.00pm-4.00pm Sunday

You can book an appointment directly for one of two sites by calling the appointment booking line on 0203770 1888

From 2.00pm-9.00pm Monday-Friday and From 9.00am-3.00pm Saturday and Sunday

Hub Sites:

NORTH STREET MEDICAL CARE,  274 North Street, Romford, RM1 4QJ


ROSEWOOD MEDICAL PRACTICE, 30 Astra Close, Hornchurch RM12 5NJ



  • You can also book through NHS111
  • You must be registered with a Havering GP and should also be able to book through them if they haven’t got a suitable appointment
  • You will be given a time slot for attendance


Why not cycle the next SkyRide on July 5th 10:00 a.m. – “A 10 mile City Streets and Park Life ride”

led skyride local

Sunday 5 July 2015 – Start Time 10:00 a.m. – 10 miles

“A 10 mile City Streets and Park Life ride”

Start From: Forecourt in front of Barking Station,
Station Parade, Longbridge Road IG11 8TU

Join us on this gentle 10 mile ride that really shows all the great things about Barking and Dagenham borough.  Perfect for riders who want a bit more confidence on the road, or would just like to see the parks of Barking and Dagenham. The route takes in a large part of wonderful newly created cycling infrastructure in the borough as well as some of the major parks in the Borough.  Along the way we will pass through Mayesbrook, Parsloes and Goodmayes Parks to name just a few as well as stopping off for a breather and to take in some of the beautiful lakes the parks have to offer.  If exploring your local area by bike is your thing then this ride is not to be missed! Easy to get to by train, right outside Barking Station.

More details and registration at www.goskyride.com/Search/Details?eventid=59196

Lets Ride Logo picture

Havering Museum Latest Events Programme

The latest programme upto the end of September can be downloaded by clciking on the following:

Museum Trifold programme June – September final

Events which maybe of specific interest to the Forum are:

–  Afternoon strawberry cream tea with a talk from a Beef Eater  –  Wed. 15 July 2-4 pm  £6

–  Cheese and Wine Tasting,  Thurs. 20 August  7pm  –  £10

–  Spy Catchers Talk,  Wed.  26 August  –  7pm

In addition we have a series of Saturday afternoon Family Tree events running from September.

For the grand parents there is also a full programme of family activities.