Introducing Havering Cycle Buddies

Are you a new cyclist, nervous about riding on Havering’s roads?  Or are you getting back on the bike after some time off?  Perhaps you want help riding to work for the first time, planning the route to local shops or trying out the route for your children to get to school?

Cycle Buddies puts new riders in touch with experienced riders in their local area.  Buddies can meet up and ride together – to work, to the shops or just to the park for some practice!

Find out more and sign up to Havering Cycle Buddies at:

Request a Paper Questionnaire – Census 2021

It’s now less than two weeks until Census 2021 takes place on Sunday 21 March.

By filling in your census, you will help shape Havering for the next 10 years. It’s a legal requirement to fill it in, and failure to do so could result in a fine of up to £1,000.

If you’d prefer to complete your questionnaire on paper you can request one to be sent to you.

If you need help you can call our local helpline on 01708 432144 (Monday and Thursdays 1 – 7pm, Tuesday and Wednesdays 10am – 4pm, Saturdays 10am – 2pm) or send us an email.

There is a special number that you can call if you are from the Polish or other East European communities: 07869 558880. Alternatively, you can email for help.

If you need help understanding the Census form, help is available in 49 different languages.

Domestic Abuse: What it is and where to get support in Havering

  © Laura Dodsworth

You may have heard on the news that domestic abuse has increased during the pandemic. Police forces have reported an increase in offences related to domestic abuse and charities are receiving more calls from people seeking help.

It can be easy to think that domestic abuse only involves physical violence, but that isn’t the case. Domestic abuse can involve a wide range of behaviours that are designed to control the victim. Here are some examples:

  • Destroying objects, such as the TV,
  • Making accusations of flirting or having affairs,
  • Restricting access to money,
  • Threatening to leave or get a divorce,
  • Reading private emails, text messages, or letters,
  • Tampering with medication,
  • Making fun of personal values, including spiritual beliefs,
  • Excluding family members.

Although domestic abuse is most commonly perpetrated by men against women, anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse and anyone can be an abuser.

Older people may experience abuse from their spouse or family members. It can be difficult for older people to realise that they are experiencing abuse. They may have lived with their abusive partner or family members for a very long time and may see abusive behaviours as normal. It can be difficult to imagine a life free from abuse.

If a partner or family member makes you feel frightened or hurts you, there is help available.

Always call 999 if you are in danger. You can access silent help by calling 999 and if you can’t talk press 55 and the operator will respond.

Women in Havering who are not in immediate danger can call Solace Women’s Aid on 0808 802 5565 or email You can talk about what you’ve been experiencing with a trained advisor who can support you and, if you would like, help you to access further support, such as counselling. Visit website Solace Women’s Aid

Men can get support by calling the Men’s Advice Line on 0808 8010327 or emailing Visit website Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men

If you are worried about your own behaviour, you can call the Respect Phoneline on 0808 8024040 or email Visit website Help For Domestic Violence Perpetrators

Cara Atkinson is the Project Manager for Ascent at Solace Women’s Aid. The charity offers free advice and support to women and children in London to build safe and strong lives. Futures free from abuse and violence.

INVITATION for GLF – Age UK London Mayoral Hustings Tues 30th March

On Thursday 6th May Londoners will go to the polls to elect the next Mayor of London and members of the London Assembly.

Age UK London would like to invite you to the Older Londoners’ Mayoral Hustings 2021 – An age-friendly recovery for an age-friendly London on Tuesday 30th March at 3pm.

 Spaces are limited so Age UK London would be grateful if you could register your details and confirm your place on the Eventbrite weblink below by Monday 15th March.

Please register your details and confirm your place by Monday 15th March here on this Eventbrite link

Langtons Gardens and Fielders Field User Survey

This survey is your chance to rate Langtons Gardens and Fielders Field, and the work of our Heritage Lottery funded project. Your responses will help us improve the park and garden for all visitors.

You can find the survey here.

The last year has been an incredibly challenging time for all, and although it has prohibited some activities at Langtons Gardens and Fielders Field, we still need to evaluate the progress of the project as it nears its final few years.

The survey will take at least 15-25 minutes to complete.
Your answers will be reported anonymously- You can identify yourself at the end of the survey if you wish to be in contact.


Hi All,                                                                    SCAMS ALERT

Please be aware of the following scams.

HM Customs & Revenue are contacting people and threatening the caller with warrants of arrest unless they hand over their banking information.

Broadband scams are once again quite high on the list, they are asking for access to your computer or they will disconnect you.  If you give them remote access to your computer they will put malware virus into your computer so they can gain access to your bank accounts.

Building and Gardening Scams are once again coming high on the list in Havering – please do not accept doorstop callers or leaflets you receive through the post – either get a recommendation from a friend/neighbour or go onto these businesses are recommended by Trading Standards and companies have to go through rigorous expensive checks to be listed.

If you have an elderly/vulnerable neighbour please do keep an eye out on who is knocking on their door, people are being charged £800 to cut the front garden and upto £40,000 for house projects when they were not needed.

A Government Agency or Bank will never ask you for any banking details, if you have been scammed please do report it to the police and also to Action Fraud –

Scam video link:    right click on link and choose open hyperlink

Lastly, this is from Essex Police l received from a friend, it is worth filling in the survey re dog theft

For all of our Essex Police Dog Watch members, dog owners and workers, please take a look at the following link to the national survey from the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, designed to understand the public perception of dog theft, enforcement and the prosecution of offenders:

Kind Regards


A Spring update from the forum

It’s been a long year. As you can imagine we are all looking forward for the Forum to be up and running again. As soon as we can we plan to have an outside event for members with refreshments and updates from speakers on what’s occurring in the London Borough of Havering.  Our networks tell us that members are talking to each other by phone and social media and there are currently some issues of concern that members have made us aware of :

Census 21st March

By now most of you should have received your Census letter,  giving you a choice of completing the form on line or requesting a paper copy.  Unfortunately as expected, for those who do not wish to, or are unable to do their return on line, members are finding it very difficult after entering their 10 digit reference number to get a response by phone to request a paper copy, likewise the help line,  no response  after 20 minutes. The letter states “You must complete the Census by law or you could be fined up to £1000”. Welcome any experiences.

St. Georges Hospital

It appears there is talk once more with regard to the Centre of Excellence on the St. George’s site.  As we know St. Georges Hospital was closed in the Autumn of 2012 and all day hospital services were lost to our Community when the majority of the site was sold for housing.  As major stakeholders the Over 50’s need to make sure if this facility goes ahead it fits the needs  of our Community and is fit for the purpose with the correct access.

Over 75’s TV Licence

If you have an entitlement to a free TV Licence and are being pursued to pay the £159 and are concerned that you cannot provide information scanned on line, or do not have access to photocopying facilities, we have been in touch with TV Licencing and the Minister for Culture and Leisure and they have confirmed they will take a verbal declaration over the phone.

Nosey Neighbour

It is a great time to be a nosey neighbour. If you see any unusual activity locally and it looks wrong tell someone.  We have recently been involved in a case where we had concern for the resident, we informed the police and London Borough of Havering enforcement. Through our intervention the resident was protected from a huge scam.

Thank you

From what we hear from all our members  across the Borough the work of London Borough of Havering and it’s volunteers could not have made the role of the vaccinations more comfortable for all. It goes to show when Havering mean it we are always the bright star in the East.

Take care, hope to see you all soon. If you have any issues always happy to help to raise them in the relevant areas.

Cliff Reynolds


Havering Over 50’s Forum

COVID-19 vaccination scam alert

Some people are receiving fraudulent calls and text messages offering the COVID-19 vaccination. In some cases, people are asked to press a number on their keypad or to send a text message to confirm they wish to receive the vaccine. Doing so is likely to result in a charge being applied to their phone bill.
In other cases, callers are offering the vaccine for a fee or asking for bank details.

Like other scams, the same rules apply;

  • Don’t click on links or attachments in unexpected texts, emails or instant messages.
  • Challenge every request for your personal details.
  • It doesn’t matter what they say or what they know about you, don’t respond to unexpected phone calls, hang up, take five then verify their claims via a trusted method. (such as the usual website or official phone number)

The vaccine is only available from the NHS and the NHS will contact you when it is your turn. At present, appointments are only being offered to members of the public over 80 years old.

The NHS will:

  • NEVER ask you to press a button on your keypad or send a text asking you to confirm you want the vaccine.
  • NEVER ask for payment for the vaccine or for your bank details.

If you believe you have been the victim of fraud or identity theft, you should report this directly to Action Fraud either online; or via phone
0300 123 2040
Where the victim is vulnerable, report it to the MPS online or by calling 101.

Link to an example of the scam text message on behalf of