It’s been a long year. As you can imagine we are all looking forward for the Forum to be up and running again. As soon as we can we plan to have an outside event for members with refreshments and updates from speakers on what’s occurring in the London Borough of Havering. Our networks tell us that members are talking to each other by phone and social media and there are currently some issues of concern that members have made us aware of :
Census 21st March
By now most of you should have received your Census letter, giving you a choice of completing the form on line or requesting a paper copy. Unfortunately as expected, for those who do not wish to, or are unable to do their return on line, members are finding it very difficult after entering their 10 digit reference number to get a response by phone to request a paper copy, likewise the help line, no response after 20 minutes. The letter states “You must complete the Census by law or you could be fined up to £1000”. Welcome any experiences.
St. Georges Hospital
It appears there is talk once more with regard to the Centre of Excellence on the St. George’s site. As we know St. Georges Hospital was closed in the Autumn of 2012 and all day hospital services were lost to our Community when the majority of the site was sold for housing. As major stakeholders the Over 50’s need to make sure if this facility goes ahead it fits the needs of our Community and is fit for the purpose with the correct access.
Over 75’s TV Licence
If you have an entitlement to a free TV Licence and are being pursued to pay the £159 and are concerned that you cannot provide information scanned on line, or do not have access to photocopying facilities, we have been in touch with TV Licencing and the Minister for Culture and Leisure and they have confirmed they will take a verbal declaration over the phone.
Nosey Neighbour
It is a great time to be a nosey neighbour. If you see any unusual activity locally and it looks wrong tell someone. We have recently been involved in a case where we had concern for the resident, we informed the police and London Borough of Havering enforcement. Through our intervention the resident was protected from a huge scam.
Thank you
From what we hear from all our members across the Borough the work of London Borough of Havering and it’s volunteers could not have made the role of the vaccinations more comfortable for all. It goes to show when Havering mean it we are always the bright star in the East.
Take care, hope to see you all soon. If you have any issues always happy to help to raise them in the relevant areas.
Cliff Reynolds
Havering Over 50’s Forum