Author Archives: Ray Whitehouse

Join us for an afternoon of Music Hall fun and entertainment at the Queens Theatre, Jan 16 2014

Music Hall

‘ Music Hall’ matinee Queens Theatre Hornchuch. 2-30pm performance on JAN: 16th 2014.


The forum have purchased 59 seats. Complete Rows A,B,C, !. cost discount price of £10 each
( instead of £12-50)


Considering how we all laughed all the way through last years performance. Next Jan ,us being all together we shall probably lift the roof !


Please see our Diane for tickets at the next forum on Tuesday 8th October.


Join us at the Bull, Romford Market on December 12th for our Christmas Lunch

The Bull

Christmas Meal – Bull Pub, Market Place,  Thursday 12th December.

Choice of 3 starters, 3 main course with vegetarian option, 4 desserts,
1 drink with meal + tea or coffee

Cost £15.00, £5 deposit to reserve place

At next Forum 8th October, full menu will be given out to make choice to be returned at forum on November 12th when full payment will need to be made.

This is expected to be very popular so forum members will be given preference and its on a first come first served basis.

Speakers for Forum on Tuesday 10 September

1. Helen Mundy – A retired headteacher and former Ofsted inspector,who wrote and delivered a training programme for Reading Buddies at Havering’s libraries.
These are adult volunteers who help children improve their reading skills.

2. Councillor Andrew Curtin – Cabinet Member for Culture, Towns &Communities will be speaking about culture and leisure activities planned for the Autumn.

Also discounted price tickets for MUSIC HALL at the Queens theatre ,16th Jan:2014.
Shirley has managed to reserve rows A,B, and C. Diane will be selling tickets.
This was enjoyed by many of our forum members

Free Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Internet Training at your libraries

Did you know that Havering libraries provide free access to computers and computer training courses, plus others for a small fee. The following are some of the upcoming events.

Central Library

Laptop Course 21.08.13, 10am-12noon
Adults, Tickets £6 / £6.50
2 hour course for laptop owners wishing to get the best from their machine

5 Week Computer Beginners Course 06.09.13 – 04.10.13,
10am-12noon, Adults, FREE
Get online with our computer basics course. Booking essential as spaces are limited.

Gidea Park Library

Every Tues : 3pm-4pm & 5-6pm,
Every Thurs : 5pm-6pm
Every Sat : 10am-11am
Adults, FREE
A five week computer course ideal for beginners or if you want a refresh on computer basics.

Rainham Library

COMPUTER BASICS Tues & Thurs, 11am, Adults

FREE (by appointment only)
Beginners class, please ring the library to book a place for this popular course.

Havering Libraries also have an online resource Library

Contact your local library to book a place. The best way to access these resources is to login to and select from the Virtual Library.
If you experience any difficulty please telephone 01708 432387.
You will need a library card to access the resources.


Anyone interested in a Havering Over 50s Forum Cycling Club

Dear all, since bringing cycling as an activity to the forum at least 10 have received personal bike training to a level where off-road cycling is now possible.

I am willing to set up a series of club rides aimed at getting people more experienced on their bikes. I can do this by arranging rides for people during the week or at weekends.I have a number of off-road, on-road and combination routes of various distances we can use, and we can slowly work up to longer rides over time.

Alternatively we can make block bookings for Skyrides. A suitable one is a ride from Upminster to Rainham along the Ingrebourne Valley due to take place on Sunday 18th August at 14:00.

Let me know if you are interested and I’ll start setting it up.

Regards  Ray Whitehouse