Proposed changes to the age of eligibility for the 60+ photocard

As part of our funding conditions imposed on TfL by Government, the Mayor has outlined a number of fares proposals which he was having to explore in order to generate income. Among several options being considered were the proposals to increase the age of eligibility for the 60+ concession.

Under this proposed option, the age of eligibility for the 60+ photocard would increase by a month, every other month. This would result in the age of eligibility rising by six months every year. Any existing 60+ card holders will not be impacted.

We recently updated stakeholders in our newsletter and are keen to continue to engage with stakeholders about this proposed change as we also undertake an Equalities Impact Assessment. If this is something that you would be interested in discussing with us please contact me so we can arrange a meeting. We will also accept any responses via email until 26 October 2022.

For more information on the fares proposals, TfL is progressing separate options to achieve further savings in line with the Government’s funding conditions. These are further explained in the press release here.

If you have any further questions relating to the changes, please do get in touch.

Many thanks and best regards

Kimberly Jarvis 

Community Partnership Specialist (Strategy) | Local Communities & Partnerships