Your urgent support needed – Lift the morning suspension on Freedom Pass and 60+Oyster use

Over the past two years Londoners like you have been powerful defenders of both the Freedom Pass and the 60+ Oyster Card and we are grateful for your amazing support.

We are now calling on TfL to lift the suspension on concessionary travel before 9am on weekdays.

You can help us again by sending an email to the Deputy Mayor for Transport, Seb Dance and adding your name as we call for this unfair suspension to go.

We have prepared an email you can send. Just click the button and fill in your details, personalise your message then send it directly into Seb Dance’s inbox. Please also share this email with friends, family or groups you know who will support this campaign.

Send your Message to Seb Dance

Thank you for your support.

John McGeachy

Senior Campaigns Officer

Age UK London

4 thoughts on “Your urgent support needed – Lift the morning suspension on Freedom Pass and 60+Oyster use

  1. Jennifer Dixon

    Please lift the ban on travel before 9am for Freedom Pass holders, we sometimes have early medical appointments we need to attend and taxis , with the extra living costs, are now a luxury we can not afford.

  2. Christine Ebanks

    Sometimes I have to attend a hospital appointment early and can’t use from freedom pass before 9am. It is then additional cost to me to travel when everything is getting more expensive and I’m only receiving my pension.

  3. P.m Gregory

    Now is the time to lift the temporary suspension on concessionary travel before 9 a. m.on weekdays in order to keep hospital appointments etc.

  4. Jane

    Please keep oyster 60+ and freedom pass as more of us will use them I know I will with my oyster 60+ And can you please let this pass go to other parts of London then just iner London and on over head train say to Southend as that way more peo pkk e will use them and hopeful leave car at home

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