Help the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia with your views on care for those affected


Do you or your loved ones have experience of the social care system? Have you faced barriers when accessing care? The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Dementia would like to hear from you.

Share your experiences with the inquiry!

As part of our political influencing efforts, Alzheimer’s Society works with a cross-party group of MPs and Peers interested in dementia.

From research funding to support during the pandemic, the APPG is vital in shaping new and existing policy and is now asking for your help to #CureTheCareSystem.

With the Government recently publishing their plans for the future of social care, the APPG have launched an urgent inquiry to understand how the social care system can support people affected by dementia to lead the lives they want, for as long as they can. This is our chance to be heard, and make sure social care delivers for those who need it most.