Have your say on Transport for London – Step-free access

Dear Havering Over 50s Forum,

As you may be aware, since November, we will be carrying out a consultation to help us shape our future approach for step-free Tube stations.

The consultation will be delivered using our new ‘Have your Say’ consultation platform, in addition to a range of community and stakeholder conversations.

We want the people who benefit from step-free access to tell us what features in a step-free Tube station are most important to them.

For example, is it more important that a step-free Tube station has an interchange on to another line, or, that it is next to a town centre? Is it important to focus on upgrading several local stations with manual boarding ramps and no toilets or fewer stations but with raised platforms and accessible toilets? Or even just one expensive but well-connected major station in central London?

This feedback, along with passenger data, transport modelling, third party funding opportunities, design and engineering investigations, will help us shape how we prioritise and deliver step-free stations into the future.

While we don’t currently have funding to deliver more step-free stations beyond our existing programme, this consultation will help us take action to meet London’s needs as soon as funding becomes available.

The consultation is open until 10 February 2022. Everyone can take part at the following:  https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/tube-step-free-access

We’d like to encourage members of the Havering Over 50s Forum to share their thoughts on the consultation, as well as share it among your networks. We would be happy to host a virtual session so we can engage directly with the people who use and rely on step-free access. If you have a meeting or web group you would like us to share more information with, then please let me know.

Best wishes


Esther Johnson | Community Partnerships Specialist

Local Communities & Partnerships | City Planning | Transport for London

Mail:         Endeavour Square, Stratford, London, E20 1JN, Floor 9, Red Zone

Email:      estherjohnson1@tfl.gov.uk