Have your say on refinements to the design of the Lower Thames Crossing

Have your say on refinements to the design of the Lower Thames Crossing

The consultation is now open, until 23.59 on 12 August 2020.

We are proposing a number of refinements to the design of the project following feedback received from earlier consultations, discussions with stakeholders, ongoing design development and new technical data.

Your feedback is vital in shaping the scheme and will help us develop our application for a Development Consent Order (DCO).

Find out more

Online consultation
Our proposals will be available to view on our dedicated consultation website from 14 July 2020 until 23.59 on 12 August 2020.

Online exhibition
You can visit our online exhibition where you can explore an interactive map, watch videos explaining the proposals, and download documents including the guide to consultation, response form, environmental impacts update, and maps.

Visit the exhibition here.