New European Data Protection Requirements

Hi everyone, we are required to conform to the new data protection requirements, Those of you who were at the last forum meeting will have been informed and asked to re-sign their membership to allow us to use your details to run the forum as below. If you have not signed then please do so  when you next come to the forum to allow us to continue to contact you on an individual basis as needed.

The following policy was agreed and adopted at the executive committee meeting on 16th April. Each committee member is individually and collectively responsible for following and implementing the policy.

The data we collect, and hold is for membership reasons and to contact members on a specific subject specific to that member.

This data consists of Name, Address, contact phone number and email address.

This data is held in paper form in a membership book by the membership secretary and is kept within a secure household for security reasons. No paper backups are kept of the information except for the membership application forms which are held with the membership book.

Members data will be removed from the book once the member says they wish to leave the forum or fail to renew their membership.

The data is also recorded on an excel database which is password protected and held on encrypted servers, they themselves being password protected.

The data is not shared with anyone outside of the forum committee and is only used by committee members who have a valid need to see the data, e.g for use as part of a planned event/trip for communication purposes.

The committee will only use the data to contact individuals on an as needed basis, e.g for contact to a member to ask about a trip they may be on, or to warn members that something they are booked on has been cancelled.

Where email is used to more than one member then their email addresses will be specified using “bcc” to keep their email address private.

The list will never be used for mass distribution of material, for bulk emails, or be passed onto any third parties.

Any general information to be passed to members will either be handed out at forum meetings or via the forums website.

People who wish to receive notification of website postings will need to self register on the website with an email address. No other information is recorded other than the email address and is self managing by the person.

The membership form will be amended to ask members to specifically approve of the information being held for this purpose when they apply for membership from now on

A copy of this policy will be held on the website.