Holiday activities for Children The Grow>Cook>Eat Programme at Bedfords Park Walled Garden


Holiday activities for Children

The Grow>Cook>Eat Programme

 bedfords park 

Easter Holiday Programme

March 29 – April 1 (4 days)

April 4 – 8 (5 days)

Saturday Club (10am – 4pm)

April 16 – May 28 (7 Saturdays)

Grow > Cook > Eat is our outdoor programme for children aged 8-11. Children are taken on a playful and inventive journey to discover food:

  • how to grow it,
  • how to prepare and cook some of it and
  • how food affects their bodies.

The aim is to give children the knowledge that they need that will last for their lifetime.

Children are encouraged to taste new vegetables, encouraging them to eat the national guidelines’ 5-7 portions a day, as promoted by the World Health Organisation. They design rainbows on their plates, play food games and are directly involved in the lunchtime experience creating their eating environment as well as their lunch as a community group.

Activities take place in the garden where there is food growing all around the children. They can begin to see fruit and vegetables in a different light; sometimes not even recognizing familiar vegetables growing in the ground and experiencing new vegetables in an exciting way.

Each session begins at 9am and the children will go home at 5pm (earlier drop-off and pick-ups available on request)

Pick-ups can also be arranged from the Harold Hill area.

Cost for each programme is only £50, including lunch every day and safe yet stimulating childcare.

Open day on Sunday 13th March

(between 12 and 3pm)

A day for parents, children, GPs and teachers to come to the garden to hear about the Grow>Cook>Eat programme from previous participants and parents; also, to familiarise themselves with the garden and meet the staff. You will be able to see the benefits of children playing in the garden and the park and know your child will be safe and happy with us.

For further information see our website