Free Wills Advice Event – Friday 18 March

Pinney Talfourd invites you to a free Wills and LPA event on Friday 18 March to get your personal affairs in order.  

Over half of the population in the United Kingdom do not have a Will and this unfortunately can lead to difficulties upon death. Your assets may not pass to whom you want to inherit, leaving your loved ones in financial difficulties. It also can be time consuming and expensive to resolve. In order to ensure your affairs are in order you should prepare a Will. 

According to research over 850,000 people in the United Kingdom have Dementia with this figure estimated to rise to 1 million in 2025. Dementia can lead to your loved one being unable to make their own decisions regarding their financial affairs. By setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney now you are able to nominate a person (your Attorney) to make decisions on your behalf in the future if you become unable to. This enables your Attorney to ensure that your affairs are looked after and minimises an already stressful period for your family. 

Join our free event to hear a short presentation about the different types of Will and LPA, and get some free tailored advice from one of our solicitors over a coffee afterwards. 

Date: Friday 18th March

Time: 11am – 12.30pm

Venue: Pinney Talfourd LLP Solicitors, 54 Station Road, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2TU 

For more information and to book your free place please contact Charlotte Butler on 07904 390829 or