Pinney Talfourd has the pleasure of inviting you to a free seminar specially for grandparents. Thursday 26 November 10am – 2pm

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The Greatness of Parents

Thursday 26 November

10am – 2pm

Pinney Talfourd, 54 Station Road, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2TU

A light lunch and refreshments will be provided

Topics covered will include:

· The rights of grandparents and what to do if your offspring and their partner go separate ways

· How to apply to court for an order to see them

· How to apply for a special guardianship order and what the local authority are looking for

· Alternatives to the court process

· How to best financially provide for your grandchildren in your will

Speakers will include:

· Lynn Chesterman, CEO, The Grandparents Association

· James Mulholland, Barrister, 2 -3 Hind Court chambers

· Sue Nash and Sebastian Burrows, Family Law Team, Pinney Talfourd LLP Solicitors

· Kayleigh O’Donnell, Wills Trusts and Probate Team, Pinney Talfourd LLP Solicitors

To book your free place call 01708 229444 or email

Book early to avoid disappointment