The Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr Brian Eagling and Mrs Bunny Eagling as part of their Mayoral role from the London Mayors Association are organizing two Silver Sunday events in partnership with Havering Citizens Advice Bureau part of Havering Council’s Active Living 50+ project and Tesco Roneo Corner.
The events will take place on Sunday 4th October 10am-12noon or 2pm-4pm especially for isolated or lonely older citizens.
They are taking place at Tesco’s Roneo Corner where there will be a buffet and tea/coffee and soft drinks. There will be a quiz, music, and general chit chat.
It is a day when we are trying to locate the lonely in the community and give them an enjoyable day where they will find out about activities in Havering and also in the hope that they may make friends.
Please ring Kim Crisp 01708 629903 Bunny Eagling on 01708 373027 if you feel this would be something that would interest you.