Parking across Driveways and dropped kerbs.


Inconsiderate motorists who block driveways are a persistent cause of complaint; however the circumstances in which any kind of enforcement can be applied has often been hazy. In order to give a definitive guide of what can and can’t be done, the following should be of assistance. Recent changes in legislation (Traffic Management Act 2004) mean that a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) can be issued by the Council to vehicles which are obstructing a dropped kerb (driveway) whether there is a car in the drive or not.

A PCN can therefore be issued where the kerb has been lowered for the purpose of:

  • Assisting vehicles entering or leaving the road
  • Assisting pedestrians crossing the road
  • Assisting cyclists entering or leaving the road

An important factor is that a PCN can only be issued if an occupier contacts the council with registration details and requests a PCN to be issued. This avoids the scenario where a PCN might be issued to a resident parking across their own driveway or where legitimate visitors are parked with the occupiers consent.

Any resident requiring this course of action should call the Traffic & Parking Control Team on 01708 432787 or 01708 434698 (after 5pm) and provide the registration details whereupon a Civil Enforcement Officer will attend as soon as is practically possible.

It is also important to remember that the call must be done at the time the vehicle is obstructing the driveway as a PCN cannot be issued retrospectively

One thought on “Parking across Driveways and dropped kerbs.

  1. Irene carroll

    I suspect the bird will have flown by the time the Civil Enforcement Officer arrives!

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