Dear all I have been contacted by a researcher asking for help by filling in a study.
If you wish to help the study is at
The acompanying email is as follows:
My name is James Cully. I came across your site conducting an online search. I am a PhD researcher in University College Cork, Ireland, carrying out a study on 50 – 75 year old people and how they engage with cognitively stimulating activities. The research is focused on the negative aspects of ageism and how it may affect Alzheimer’s disease. I know that surveys are a nuisance and so I am very much just gently enquiring if you would have any interest in collaborating in my research? The survey is completely anonymous and does not ask for any contact details. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete. I’m finding it very difficult to access participants in this particular age demographic, and so would be very appreciative of any help you could provide. I can email on a link to the survey if you are willing to help, which could perhaps be sent to your members?
Thank you for your time,
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