- Maintaining universal tax free pensioner benefits (Freedom Pass, winter fuel allowance, free TV licences for the over 75s and free prescriptions) without any means-testing.
- Raising the basic state pension for all new pensioners above the poverty level and ensuring existing pensioners will not be not penalised by the new single-tier state pension
- Reintroducing the Retail Price Index alongside the Consumer Price Index, earnings and 2.5% as a measure for increasing pensions each year
- Ensuring that all patients leaving hospital have their needs for care after discharge fully considered in good time to make appropriate arrangements, ensuring that uncertainty about responsibility for funding does not interfere with best practice.
- Introducing a legally binding Dignity Code to improve the quality and standards of care for older people in hospital, care homes or their own home.
- Improve quality of current and future dementia care by increasing public awareness of the issue, planning for increased resources in the future and ensuring that professional carers have adequate time to help their clients.
Please email any comments to contact@havo50forum.org
I completely agree with your points. I hope some honest people read them, and implement them. unfortunately my faith in this happening is zero. No such animal as a M P that is honest.