Skyride Easygoing “Romford ride through Raphael and Lodge Farm Parks” – Sunday 6th July 10:00 a.m

Hi all, the next Havering Easygoing Skyride is on 6th July at 10:00 a.m.

It is the “Romford ride through Raphael and Lodge Farm Parks”.

This is a fantastic easygoing ride through two of Haverings’ great parks.  This traffic free route is perfect for anybody wanting to get out on their bike in a safe environment.  At around two and a half miles long you will get the chance to stretch your legs without over doing it on a Sunday!

This is a ride particularly suited for families and beginners, even for bikes with stabilizers.

Please share this with the local schools and families you are involved with. It may be of particular interest for children and families currently undertaking rideability. Of course please come along yourselves.

It starts from the Car Park in Lodge Farm Park on Carlton Road RM2 5AA.

Registration is available at