Thanks to a member of the forum who sent in the following comment regarding the recycling of plastic.
“According to the council, we still can’t recycle plastic other than bottles in our orange sacks. There is a bin for mixed plastic in the corner of the Brewery car park near Sainsbury’s, Toby, etc and another inside the entrance of the swimming changing room at Harrow Lodge leisure centre. Also some other boroughs have bring bins for mixed plastic in the street eg Hackney.“
The following is an extract from the council website which clarifies what’s in and what’s out.
What can go in the orange sacks?
- Newspapers and magazines
- Junk mail and flyers
- Brochures, catalogues and directories (including Yellow Pages)
- Thin card such as cereal packets and similar boxes
- Food tins
- Drink cans
- Pet food tins
- Please rinse cans
- All plastic bottles, including:
- Milk and other drinks
- Detergent (including bleach) and shampoo bottles
- Please remove lids and squash
- Old Yellow Pages can now be put out for recycling in your orange sacks
Cardboard should be flattened and placed alongside your orange sacks.
What cannot go in the orange sacks?
- Plastics other than plastic bottles – Yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, plastic trays or other packaging. These cannot currently be recycled in Havering
- Glass – Please take glass bottles/jars to bring banks or Gerpins Lane RRC
- Textiles – Please take textiles and shoes to bring banks, charity shops or Gerpins Lane RRC
- General household waste – Place household waste in black sacks or take to Gerpins Lane RRC
- Green waste – There are several options available for your green waste. It should either be home composted, placed in Havering green bins (as part of the Wheeled Bin Garden Waste Collection Service) or green sacks. Alternatively it can be taken to Gerpins Lane RRC
- Milk/juice cartons (‘Tetrapaks’) – The combination of foil, plastic and cardboard means they are problematic to recycle. Recycling Bring Banks for cartons now exist at five sites in the Borough. See the Carton Recycling Bank section for further information
More info at
I might be wrong but I seem to recall Councillor Light saying at one of our meetings for HoF that we could put all types of plastics into the orange sacks.