The British Red Cross is delivering its Winter Scheme in Havering to vulnerable residents over the age of 60 between now and March 2014.
The service entails an extensive Winter Readiness Check that we complete with people in their own homes. We check up on things like insulation, heating/heating maintenance, general safety (e.g. smoke alarms), food reserves and ability to collect medication during severe winter weather spells.
Additionally we support people to be better prepared by handing out winter packs (containing a blanket, socks, a thermos cup, cup-off-soup, carbon monoxide alarms etc.) and by stocking up on food by doing shopping with/for them.
We also signpost to other (winter scheme) providers in Havering for benefit checks (especially regarding the fuel allowance), befriending, cold alarms that makes people aware of dropping temperatures and insulation to their house.
This service is free to Havering residents.
I would like to kindly ask you to share this email with the Older Peoples Forum and other groups who might benefit from being made aware of the service.
Individuals can contact us directly regarding a Winter Readiness Check by completing the attached form and emailing that to (Please mention winter check in the subject line).
Alternatively people can call contact me on 07507889022.
Warm Regards, Debby Mulling
IL Project Officer / London Area Office, 28 Worple Road, Wimbledon, SW19 4EE
Tel: 02089718368 / Mob: 07507889022
Referral form – Havering Fuel Poverty 2014