The Self Directed Support User Group is a user led group for people who are in receipt of Direct Payments and Personal Budgets or are considering their options to arrange and manage their own support to live independently. The group can offer support, advice and also provide feedback from service users to the council. The Group meets at Yew Tree Resource Centre, Romford every six weeks.
HAD is working in partnership with the group to inform, support and assist people who are purchasing their care by personal budgets and direct payments or are considering this option
The aims and objectives of the group:
- To represent persons on self-directed support
- A chance for people to have a say on issues they feel important to them
- An opportunity to share information, experiences and learn from like – minded persons
- Confidence building on the use of direct payments and personal budgets
- SDS User Group members can offer advice to help shape how council staff organise services
- Increase membership
- SDS User Group Is working in Partnership with H.A.D
(Havering Association for people with Disabilities) and supported by Havering council
If you would like informal advice, support and assistance with your direct payments/ personal budgets, please call for an appointment.
The SDS USER GROUP is looking for members to form a committee. We would like to hear from people who are in receipt of direct payments / personal budgets or are interested in doing so. For details please contact SDS User Group Coordinator Maddie on 01708 476554, Email: